Declaration of War: CBS Ties Fox News, Gingrich, Johnson to Racist Buffalo Shooter

CBS MorningsReacting to terrorist acts against Black communities in Buffalo, New York, Fox News continued its racist campaign Wednesday with an episode about the great substitute theory linking Fox News and “many conservative politicians”The fear that Black men could be randomly gunned to death if they lived in the Midwest was also expressed concern about the racist gunman.

The best part is that the segment concluded with a professor from a college on the far left citing the Soros-backed Southern Poverty Law Center. ProblemsThe map of the so-called extremist organizations was created by an organization. Attainment failure in 2013.Family Research Council



Co-host and Democratic donor Gayle King fretted that the “Buffalo shooting highlights once again how a once-fringe, racist, and anti-Semitic conspiracy theory is accepted by many Americans” with the great replacement theory being the “belief that there is a plot to replace white people with people of color.”

King then painted conservatives and Republicans (of which there’s over 70 million Americans) as riddled with white supremacists: “Now, it was first presented among white supremacists and on extremist websites. Now, many conservative politicians and pundits promoting some form of replacement theory.”

CBS then played clips from Carlson, Newt Gingrich, and Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) that ranged from talking about the “theory” to merely opposing the Democratic Party’s immigration policies. King noted Fox and Johnson “decline[d] our request for comment” before scoffing at Gingrich’s statement (click “expand”):

CARLSON [on FNC’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, 09/22/21]: This is the policy known as the great substitute, which replaces legacy Americans with more conscientious people from distant countries. It’s all they brag about. If you say it, they’ll scream in utter hysteria. 

JOHNSON [on FBN’s Kudlow, 04/15/21]This administration is all about open borders. You have to wonder why. Is it really they want to remake the demographics of America to ensure they’re — that they stay in power forever? Are they really doing that? 

GINGRICH [on FBN’s Mornings with Maria, 08/04/21]: They believe that George Washington is the ideal example and they want to eliminate the rest because they believe in the Constitution. 

KING: Senator Johnson and Fox News declined to comment on our request. Tucker Carlson said on his show that his claims were valid and that he has the right to voice his opinion. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who you just saw there, called the white supremacist idea of replacement theory nuts but he did add this: “There is a legitimate cultural — not racial — fight to be had about the degree to which the left seeks to erode merican culture and the historic model of assimilation by allowing our legal immigration system to be totally overwhelmed.” Think about that for just a second…There’s a lot to unpack here.

A MSNBC Charlatans are my favorite, American University professor Cynthia Miller-Idriss was brought in as the head of their Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab and subjected to this first softball from King that “one in three Americans” share the same beliefs as the Buffalo shooter (which could be extrapolated to her claiming a third of the country is a ticking time bombs of violence).

“How did this happen? I don’t know if we can just blame the internet when you see it on TV news,” Elle added.

Miller-Idriss said the growth of such a “fringe” and “false theory” is “one of the greatest tragedies” due in no part to “mainstream news, on — on cable news and to hear Tucker Carlson and politicians that are elected supposed to be the trusted sources of information echo this.”

They argued as true liberals, aiming to censor other-liberals. “a right to express an opinion,” These rights “come with responsibility”And so, they can differ from “what one should say.”

Later King projected her personal, psychological struggles with different races onto her millions of viewers, saying she’s “so afraid” of everything due to white supremacy and that she’s scared for her nephew as he could be gunned down at a moment’s notice by a white person because he lives in the Midwest. Miller-Idriss confirmed her “crippling” fears, saying it’s “terroriz[ing]” (click “expand”):

KING: I know that I am afraid now. A nephew of mine, a 20-year old black man from the Midwest who takes his dog for walks, said that I never had fear walking my dog. I am now in the Midwest and just walk around thinking that this might happen to me at any moment. My concerns are about the copycats and black people feeling they must retaliate. I think this is a frightening time. This is what bothers you the most. 

MILLER-IDRISS: Yeah. This is why terrorist acts terrorize, isn’t it? 

KING: Yes, it’s crippling to me.

MILLER-IDRISS : It terrorizes everyone.

KING: Yes.

MILLER-IDRISS : It’s crippling. But what I worry about most is that we continue to see this as a problem solely or primarily for law enforcement rather than one that has to be one of education, of treating social work, mental health counselors, understanding the literacy needs, the prop — how to counter propaganda. It is not possible to ban and arrest the solution. We really have to start intervening from — you know, from really early ages.

King closed by repeating her line from Tuesday about how she’s been irked by those who insist the actions of mass murderers doesn’t represent who we are as a country when, in her view, they perfectly represent us.

Miller-Idriss once again expressed her disgust, lamenting America’s pride. “distances the fact that we all have a responsibility to tackle”Extreme-right terrorists “in our own communities.”

This was the moment she announced that American University and SPLC had forged a partnership. “a guide…that…there are things that people can do and if you just think this isn’t who we are, it’s like washing our hands of the problem.”

“We’ll put that guide online. We’ll link to it for sure,” Dokoupil replied.

Thanks to advertisers like Subaru and Neutrogena, this entry was possible as part of the media-wide campaign against Fox News. Follow the links to see their contact information at the MRC’s Conservatives Fight Back page.

Click here to see the CBS transcript for May 18th.

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