University Seeks Science Professor Who Can Be Anything but a One-Spirit Man With a Penis – Opinion

We’re living in an age of identity.

Here’s an example: University of Waterloo searches for a new science assistant professor.

Here’s how the March 21st online ad reads:

Faculty of Environment (University of Waterloo) is looking for an extraordinary scholar and researcher to take over a Natural Science and Engineering Research Council Tier 2 Canada Research chair and tenure track position as Assistant Professor. The anticipated start date is 1 July 2022.

You should be able to understand your subject.

A PhD in any discipline related to geography, environmental science, sustainability or planning is required. … Evidence of an active research program with emphasis on climate and/or climate change science, water science and sustainability, or future cities and a successful record of Tri-Agency research funding, or equivalent, is required.

The school’s willing to make some exception:

A nomination at Associate Professor rank will be made for exceptional candidates.

However, they’re firm where certain box-checking is concerned:

Only qualified people who identify as transgender, women, or two-spirit are eligible to apply for this call.

You are not a scientist if your thinking is one-sided.



  • Penis for a woman
  • A vaginal man
  • Vaginal insertion for a woman
  • Other than a male or female, and with a penis/vaginal.

Modern science is no different.

We moved past merely considering an individual’s effectiveness. Meritocracy, however, is a myth.

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Politics are all now social, science is political.

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Back to the University of Waterloo, if you’re a single-spirit man with a penis hoping to fill the position, perhaps you can muster up an extra spirit.

And if you’re unschooled where being two-spirit’s concerned, here’s with an assist:

Two-Spirit is an umbrella term that bridges Indigenous and Western people’s comprehension of gender and sexuality.

Although this term is new, it’s been in use since the 1990s. However, it’s been there for many centuries.

But be warned — the website advises against spiritual appropriation:

It is important to note that Two-Spirit is a native identity – non-native LGBTQ+ people should not use it as a way to identify. Two-Spirit was a sacred tradition for the Turtle Island first peoples and must be revered.

Waterloo, Ontario is Canada. But if you think such a specific set of qualifications is an entire nation away, culturally — so far as I can tell — it’s about ten feet from where you sit to the Great White North.

All of us share the same set values, regardless of any modifications.

For any scientists who are caught in the denim of science, it might be a good idea to get a second opinion. Today, social justice overrides non-discrimination laws. America has it all:



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All my RedState works Here.

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