This Is the California Dream of Public Transportation for All – Opinion

Street People of Los Angeles (SPOLA), an account that hides disturbing internet truths, is one of the best.TwitterInstagram. It’s one of my favorite daily social media stops. Not because it’s particularly exciting or uplifting, but because it shows the raw, terrifying truth of what is happening on Los Angeles streets every day. Los Angeles’s events are not exclusive to the city. They can be seen all across California.

SPOLA has videos that show everyday Californians doing their normal daily activities. These images show drug-addled humans, who are half-dressed in filth and shuffle around neighborhoods like zombies. Sometimes they’re masturbating, sometimes they’re shooting up as children walk by, sometimes they’re engaging in intercourse on the curb…the shocking videos are only made more shocking by the fact that there is no end to them. These are everyday life in a typical California city.

A recent video from SPOLA shows us the truly sorry state of Los Angeles’ public transportation. Americans living outside the state often criticize us for not using public transportation as much. We’re the “green fiends” of the nation. Our politicians often boast about the environmental efforts of our politicians, while federal politicians use our state to show how moving toward 100% renewable energy should be done. The governor of our state is continually telling residents to use public transport and get out of cars. His energy “plan” is to simply regulate gas-powered vehicles until they become nearly impossible to own, and to make gas so expensive those who can own cars won’t be able to fill the tanks. It’s all designed to drive us toward public transportation.

Everyone who’s spent more than 10 minutes here knows that the majority of this state doesn’t make for good public transportation. Los Angeles is a great example. Our state is too scattered. Los Angeles isn’t like New York, or even San Francisco. It is an area that sprawls, and not one of its metropolitan areas. It’s not conducive to effective rail or bus. Traffic is a problem everywhere. It doesn’t matter where you live traffic in this state is a problem. Californians are united by traffic and homelessness. We hate traffic.

Most everyone I know would be thrilled to take the bus or the train if it actually went somewhere they needed to go (they don’t) and ran on time (they don’t) and provided a reliable, safe commute (cue roaring laughter). To demand that we use public transportation in this state, which has the worst one in the country, is an act of hypocrisy.

If you don’t believe me, just head to the SPOLA account. This video showcases how popular public transport in Los Angeles right now. Do you think your daughter would want to use this public transportation to get to school or work every day? Maybe Governor Newsom could spend some time on the L.A. Metro to see how it works before signing his next round commuter legislation.

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