After two hundred and sixty-one days of ignoring Hunter Biden’s mounting scandals and corrupt business activities, the evening network newscasts finally reported on President Biden’s corrupt son. Yet despite the rediscovery, ABC’s World News Tonight decided to defend Hunter, while NBC Nightly News made the segment about former President Trump requesting Russian President Vladimir Putin to provide additional dirt on Hunter Biden, instead of the Washington Post confirming Hunter’s laptop and deals with China.
During ABC’s coverage, fill-in anchor Whit Johnson seemed to try to downplay the “federal investigation” by suggesting they were just looking into some of his “tax affairs.” He then revealed to viewers the existence of witnesses testifying before a grand jury investigation into Hunter Biden’s “business dealings in Ukraine and elsewhere.”
Chief justice correspondent Pierre Thomas revealed more about the grand jury investigation which has “heard from a parade of witnesses about payments Hunter Biden received while on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, and also about how he’s paid his taxes in recent years.”
Thomas hyped up a Hunter Biden interview in October 2019, where he said that his corrupt business deals were a mistake.
HUNTER BIDEN – Did I make a mistake or was it a good idea? Maybe in the scheme of things. Was it a casual error or a moral lapse that led to my mistake? Absolutely.
Thomas subsequently reappeared on screen to provide additional details about the investigation without rebutting Hunter’s comments or providing additional context or Republican criticism.
“Federal prosecutors are also looking into how Hunter Biden reported money from business deals in China” and that the “investigation, which has been underway since 2018, appears far from over. Sources familiar with the case say no final decision has been made about whether or not to bring charges.”
While ABC defended Hunter’s innocence, NBC focused the story on former President Trump. Anchor Lester Holt whined that “former President Trump is making headlines tonight after publicly calling on Russian President Vladimir Putin to release potentially damaging information about President Biden’s son Hunter.”
Senior Capitol Hill correspondent Garrett Haake announced Trump is “facing bipartisan backlash” for “asking President Putin for dirt on the Bidens.”
Haake then ran around the House and Senate office buildings on Capitol Hill to ask every member of Congress he could presumably get a hold of what they thought about Trump’s comments:
REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA),: He’s at least consistent. Putin’s appeal at this time is that Russia has killed Ukrainians again in order to gain dirt on his rivals.
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM(R-SC),: I do not think that we should ask Putin to do any of these things.
SEN. MITT ROMNEY (R–UT): This man is one of the most dangerous people on this planet. America should not be asking him for favors.
R-WI: Hunter Biden was adamant that SEN.RON JOHNSON (R) knew the exact —
But not everyone accepted the offer. Haake asserted that other people pointed out a federal criminal investigation into possible tax fraud by Hunter Biden and money laundering by Hunter Biden. Senator Josh Hawley, R-MO (Rep.) responded: “He [Trump]He can discuss whatever topic he chooses.” Hawley said, “I am interested to hear what happens with Hunter Biden, though and the federal investigation into him.”
Also, it should be mentioned that neither network mentioned The Washington Post finally confirming Hunter Biden’s corruption business dealings in China with a multinational energy company.
These biased news reports by ABC & NBC were made possible by Liberty Mutual on ABC, and Verizon on NBC. You can contact them directly by linking their information to let them know what biased news they support.
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ABC’s World News Tonight
Eastern at 6:43.07 p.m.
WHIT JOHNSON – Next is the Federal Investigation into Hunter Biden’s Tax Affairs. This investigation is reportedly intensifying tonight. According to sources, witnesses are testifying in front of a grand jury about President Biden’s son and business deals in Ukraine. Pierre Thomas, ABC’s chief correspondent for justice is here.
PIERRE THOMAS, a report says that President Biden’s tax investigation is intensifying. According to sources, ABC News has been hearing from several witnesses over the past weeks about the payments Hunter Biden received for his time on the Burisma board. Also, how much he paid in taxes. Biden, who was vice president of Burisma at the time his father was President, admitted that it was an error.
HUNTER BIDEN – Did I make a mistake or was it a good idea? Maybe in the scheme of things. Was it a deliberate error or a moral lapse that led to my mistake? Absolutely.
THOMAS. Federal prosecutors are investigating Hunter Biden’s reporting of Chinese business transactions. Merrick Garland, the Attorney General of Texas, pledged to remain independent during his confirmation hearing.
MERRICK GARLAND : In every public speech before and after his nomination, the President stated clearly that investigations and prosecutions decisions will remain in the hands of the Justice Department.
THOMAS: The ongoing investigation into Thomas, started in 2018, is far from complete. Sources close to the investigation say that no final decision was made regarding whether or not to file charges. Whit?
NBC Nightly News
Eastern: 7:12 p.m.
LESTER HOLT – Former President Trump makes headlines tonight for publicly calling upon Russian President Vladimir Putin, to reveal potentially damaging information concerning President Biden’s son Hunter. Garrett Haake has more to offer.
[Cuts to video]
GARRETT HAKE: Former President Trump is facing bipartisan criticism for his comments today asking President Putin about the Bidens.
DONALD TRUMP – Why was the wife of the Moscow mayor giving $3.5 million to the Bidens? [Transition]Putin might know what the answer is, but I doubt it. He should publish it.
HAAKE. Trump made reference to the 2020 Senate Republicans’ report on Hunter Biden’s business transactions in Ukraine. The son of President Biden is represented by lawyers. MR. Trump’s new request echoes similar asks in 2016 about Hillary Clinton.
TRUMP: Russia, If you’re paying attention, I’d love for you to locate the missing 30,000 email messages.
HAAKE: A 2019 call to President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, asking for negative information about the Bidens. This resulted his first impeachment.
REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA),: He’s at least consistent. Putin’s appeal at this time is that Russia has killed Ukrainians again in order to gain dirt on his rivals.
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM(R-SC),: I do not think that we should ask Putin to do any of these things.
SEN. MITT ROMNEY (R–UT): This man is one of the most dangerous people on this planet. America should not be asking him for favors.
R-WI: Hunter Biden was adamant that SEN.RON JOHNSON (R) knew the exact —
SEN. JOSH HAWLEY (R -MO) : He can discuss anything he wishes. It is interesting to see what Hunter Biden does and how the Federal Investigation into Biden plays out. And I imagine we’ll be learning more about that.
[Cuts back to live]
HAAKE: Late tonight, Mr. Trump doubling down in a statement saying, “in time Russia may be willing to give that information.” Lester.
Garrett Haake is the Capitol’s HOLT. We are grateful.