Perhaps you have seen a shift in the past few days. People who used to spread panic across the globe are now declaring that the COVID-19 epidemic is over. Just days after attacking Glenn Youngkin’s actions, Democrat governors have lifted mask mandates.
What’s changed? It’s not much, at least in numbers. The death rate was almost half of what it was a month ago. They are now down, but still much higher than at the peak of Delta waves.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to paint a bleak picture in the sense that I disagree that a “return to normal” is necessary (and long overdue). I’m just pointing out that the situation is not fundamentally better at this writing than it was when the coronavirus hysterics in the White House, on CNN, and elsewhere demanded rights be crushed to “protect” the vaccinated.
For example, here’s Dr. Leana Wen, former Planned Parenthood head turned COVID-19 “expert,” completely reversing herself on mask mandates.
“Science has evolved.” @DrLeanaWen explains why she supports lifting some pandemic restrictions and thinks the decision to wear a mask should shift from a government mandate to an individual choice.
— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) February 8, 2022
To be clear, “the science” has not changed. RedState’s reporting has shown that mask-wearing has never been proven effective in reducing COVID-19 epidemic spread. This is especially true for surgical and cloth masks. Real-world evidence has consistently demonstrated that mask-mandates don’t work throughout the pandemic. Numerous studies also show that they do not make a difference. That’s especially true when dealing with children, yet schools are the one place in the country where masks are still largely mandated (outside of most red states).
It’s not just Wen, though. Dr. Anthony Fauci has now proclaimed that we are exiting the “full-blown pandemic phase” of COVID-19.
“As we get out of the full-blown pandemic phase of COVID-19, which we are certainly heading out of, these decisions will increasingly be made on a local level rather than centrally decided or mandated. There will also be more people making their own decisions on how they want to deal with the virus,” Fauci said in a Financial Times interview published Tuesday.
Fauci expressed hope that COVID-19 will soon be removed from the country. According to the report, Fauci agreed that this was possible in 2011.
So if the numbers are worse than they were during the “full-blown pandemic phase” and the data on mask-wearing remains what it was a year ago, then what has Actually changed? Answer: Politics.
You see, when it was Ron DeSantis and Glenn Youngkin (to give a more recent example) absconding from the left’s chosen COVID-19 measures, that was really bad and dangerous. Remember, we aren’t even two weeks past the absolute freak-out that occurred when Youngkin gave parents an opt-out on mask mandates in schools. All that changed recently when Democrat governors followed Youngkin’s lead. Now, the administration (including Fauci) and their apparatchiks on cable news realize that they’ve got to shift or the political consequences in November will be dire.
That’s where the issue of credibility comes into play. People who claimed to be apolitical experts are still lying to you. Instead, they conveniently shift with the political winds, realizing that if they don’t make a move, they are going to lose their power, either regarding their official positions or within the public discourse.
However, it is not right for them to continue the attempt at memory-holing. Two years ago, they ignored data and denigrated normal Americans. They even spit on Constitution to support their dreams. Wen Fauci was even once a member of the group. supported restrictionsOn Domestic travel. It is not permisible to allow them to gaslight their escape from what they have done.
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