A 42-year-old Paraguayan woman living in Buenos Aires confessed to sealing her lover’s murdered corpse in concrete after she allegedly discovered he was a pedophile who sexually abused her 13-year-old son, according to reports from multiple Argentinian outlets.
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While it was just this week that Gilda Acosta confessed to police about the crime she committed, the actual murder took place last December, Argentinian outlet Infocielo reported. Local police investigating the case discovered the body of 28-year-old Richard Alejandro Sanchez encased inside a dresser, encased in concrete, and swarming with flies.
Footage taken inside the home where Sanchez was found shows blood stains on the floors of the residence and forensic police in masks bagging up evidence.
“I killed my lover. I put him in a dresser,” Acosta is said to have told police, according to Argentinian news site Infobae. “I did it because he abused my son.”
She reportedly killed Sanchez while he was lying face down by striking him between seven and nine times in the head with a hammer and then strangling him with a cable before hiding his body and trapping it in cement.
“It surprised us all. She appeared spontaneously and asked to speak with the person in charge. She sat and confessed that she had killed her husband and that she had put him in a dresser,” a source present at the residence where Sanchez’s body was unearthed told Infobae. “When we went to the house to verify we found an upended dresser with a bulge inside it. Once the forensic team arrived we were able to corroborate that it was a body. We weren’t able to identify the body yet but everything points to it being related to the woman’s police station confession.”
Judicial authorities told Infobae that there is no record of Acosta filing a complaint alleging the sexual abuse of her son.
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