No, Kathy Barnette Did Not Support Black Lives Matter Riots or Demonize Police – Opinion

These stories are just a few examples of the lies that you can be told by those on the left. The supporters of Dr. Mehmet Oz, a Republican candidate for Senate in Pennsylvania are telling blatant lies regarding Kathy Barnette who is also running for the GOP nomination. Barnette is currently neck-and-neck in Dr. Oz’s popularity and has seen a meteoric rise in her popularity. After molesting him in a debate, she gained more attention. Some right-leaning people are worried that Oz won’t get the GOP vote.

Greg Kelly, a conservative podcaster posted an edited section of a Barnette video that he streamed to Facebook in May 2020 during the scandal over George Floyd’s murder. The excerpt was meant to make it appear as if Barnette supported the riots that occurred after footage of Floyd’s encounter with police went viral. This excerpt may also portray a highly-strung black woman who denigrates law enforcement. He wrote:

KATHY BARNETTE IS NOT READY.  She is praising Black Live Matter Summer. She feels that cops want to shoot and kill black people.  Kathy should be more thinking and less speaking.  TOTALLY SINFECTIVE and UNINFORMED

Barnette is heard saying these words in the video

“In broad daylight. It’s just absolutely reprehensible. In that instant, it was clear to me that the entire country had come together in support of something many in the black community don’t feel is happening enough. Some of us feel as though on every street corner there’s a police officer – they’re ready and waiting to shoot a black man.”

This video is missing something. You will not see what the person editing the video said right after the comments.

This is George Floyd’s complete quote in context

“What happened to George Floyd. I am so sorry for his loss. This is something I can’t even imagine. In fact, I couldn’t fully listen to the entire video that went viral that I’m sure so many of you watched. It’s sad. It’s sickening to see the indifference, deliberate indifference that was displayed there on that particular day. In broad daylight. It’s just absolutely reprehensible.

In that instant, it was clear to me that the entire country had come together in support of something many in black communities feel is happening too often. Some of us feel as though on every street corner there’s a police officer. They’re ready and waiting to shoot a black man. That is not my belief. And we’ll talk about that.”

Do you see the end of that line?

Barnette is very clear that Barnette does It is notIt is believed that officers waiting at street corners are looking for black men to kill. Funny how that part was left out, isn’t it?

But we’ve seen this before, haven’t we? Remember CNN’s “Fine People” hoax in which they attempted to make it seem as if former President Donald Trump called Nazis “fine people?” In the clip, they edited out the part when Trump says “I’m not talking about the white supremacists and neo-Nazis – they should be condemned totally.”

It’s the exact same trick. The difference is that it’s being done by a conservative who is trying to ensure that Dr. Oz, who is Kelly’s preferred candidate, gets the nomination.

But Kelly isn’t the only high-profile Oz supporter spreading deceptive narratives about Barnette. Ric Grenell was also an ex-Acting Director of United States National Intelligence. Quoted by Barnette, the tweeter tweeted Wednesday’s post in which she used hashtags #BLM#DefundThePolice

However, it didn’t take long to see why Grenell’s tweet was deceptive. Deb Heine, American Greatness’ reporter, responded:

If you watch the video Richard, you’ll want to delete this.  She was using popular hashtags to draw attention to a FB video in which she talks about how “Law and Order is falling to the mob.”

Grenell attempted to make Grenell look bad by using a YouTube clip where Barnette condemned Black Lives Matter in order to portray her as a BLM advocate because she used hashtags.

Anybody with any social media knowledge knows that hashtags are used to bring their tweets up in front of other people who have the same hashtag. It’s a way of getting one’s message in front of the people they most want to read it. I’ve used those particular hashtags myself – and no sane person would believe I support Black Lives Matter or defunding the police.

The Liberty Daily’s JD Rucker also reported on another deceptive tweet in which Grenell posed a “heavily-edited video” to smear Barnette as a social justice warrior type. “This time, it takes her out of context multiple times to make it seem in very short clips that she’s a BLM racist. It’s quite sloppy; there’s a part where she says ‘systemic racism’ and then the video skips to ‘specifically amongst police officers’” he wrote.

This is an all-out smear campaign against Barnette using the same tactics for which we often criticize people like Vox’s Aaron Rupar, who is known for posting deceptively-edited videos designed to make conservatives look bad. It is one thing to use some of the left’s tactics against them; it is quite another to use them against other Republicans.

Kelly and Grenell should present their arguments using real evidence if Barnette is believed to be flawed. In a desperate attempt to get their preferred candidate elected, they lie to the conservative community. This is a good thing.

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