Google Threatens To Demonetize Publishers Over Ukraine Views

Google threatened to demonetize publishers for “dissent” on Ukraine.

Publishers received a message from Google warning that it would not monetize content that “exploits, dismisses, or condones” the war in Ukraine.

Deadline reported that the message also warned that “claims that imply victims are responsible for their own tragedy or similar instances of victim blaming, such as claims that Ukraine is committing genocide or deliberately attacking its own citizens.” 

Google noted that it also demonetized ads “[w]hen they violated existing policies (for instance, the Dangerous or Derogatory content policy prohibits monetizing content that incites violence or denies tragic events).”

Twitter user @stackedthemes criticized the message.

“Google just threatened to demonetize publishers using its ad network if the publishers dissent from regime propaganda about Ukraine,” Sean Davis, CEO and co-founder of Federalist, tweeted. “Recall that Google made similar threats against publishers who accurately reported on BLM violence or COVID protocols. Dissent is forbidden.”

Davis referred to Google’s threats to demonetize The FederalistContent that attacked the Black Lives Matter Movement. Newsbusters The threats were reported in 2020.

“The company threatened to ban both organizations from Google’s ad platform. In other words, cut off their revenue,” Fox News’ Tucker Carlson said at the time. “Faced with destruction, The Federalist had no choice but to submit to Google. It removed all comments from the site. You can no longer comment on articles at The Federalist. Google has banned it. Zero Hedge has still comments and it was demonetized. We’ll see if they can continue operating.”

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