Deutsch Demands Dem ‘Protection’ Against ‘Lying’ GOP Effort to ‘Cheat’

Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday, unhinged pundit Donny Deutsch demanded Democrats offer “protection” to Americans in “every aspect of your life,” especially against supposed efforts by “lying” Republicans to “cheat” in upcoming elections. He even promoted the far-left fantasy that deep-red Texas would soon turn blue and that “the country is moving away from” the GOP – despite numerous polls showing otherwise.

“How are we still stumbling through this as badly as we are as a nation?,” co-host Joe Scarborough asked in reference to the Biden administration’s mishandling of the COVID pandemic. Deutsch, instead of admitting huge White House failings, saw. “an opportunity here for Democrats to attach this to a bigger platform of what I call protection.”In the end, he predictably blasted Republicans.



It seems as if everything the Republicans are doing, whether it’s not properly protecting you against COVID, whether it’s not properly protecting you against insurrection, whether it’s not properly protecting you against tyranny, whether it’s not properly protecting you against voting rights [sic]. There seems to be this kind of real opportunity for the Democrats to say, “We are here to protect every aspect of your life, including your health and including democracy, and everything in between.” So I’m kind of just lifting this up 10,000 feet, out of Omicron. It’s a great political opportunity for Democrats.

Minutes later, Scarborough launched into a tirade against the GOP for opposing the Democratic Party scheme to push a federal takeover of elections: “I don’t know how I’m still shocked at my former party, but I am….But to block the John Lewis Voting Rights Act?…it is an indictment on the Republican Party.”

Deutsch continued his rant with his own: “The Republicans have figured something out, that the more free we are, the more people are allowed to vote, the more people of color that are allowed to vote, they can’t win elections anymore.”He was completely detached from politics and added:

Texas will not be considered a red state after a few elections. Preventing or lying is the only way to win. That’s it. They are being displaced by the country. They have – there’s no game. There’s no answer other than, “Let’s not play fair, let’s cheat, let’s block.”

Deutsch doubled down on the fanciful notion that changing demographics would inevitably doom the GOP: “…so this is in that same playbook of, ‘We can’t win anymore as the face of this country changes, as the diversity in this country becomes, by the year 2040, that there will be more non-whites in this country than whites.’”

He concluded by wailing: “This is just a simple function of that and it’s frightening and it’s pathetic and it goes against everything we are as a country.”

The only thing frightening here is that Deutsch wants leftist politicians overseeing “every aspect of your life” under the guise of “protection.”

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The January 10th exchange transcript is available here:

7:14 AM ET


JOE SCARBOROUGH: Donny, I’m just curious, as a New Yorker, you know we look and we’re seeing what’s happening with Omicron and obviously it is a crush for a lot of our hospitals. But again, in California, two out of three people that go into the hospitals these days with COVID, don’t even know they have it. Going in for other reasons, they get tested and it’s pretty mild. New York City is home to more than 50% of those hospitalized for COVID.

So we are very fortunate that this has been a more mild variant, but really, let’s face it, let’s admit it, we dodged a bullet here. We weren’t ready for testing, we weren’t ready on a lot of different fronts even though we’ve been doing this for a year and a half now as a country. How did we – how did we let that happen? Is it possible that we continue to stumble through these problems as badly as we do as a country?

DONNY DEUTSCH (Yes, the Supreme Court’s latest ruling is an example. This is something I would like to make political. It is everywhere. And it’s just like you – it’s you can’t go anywhere without seeing somebody or knowing somebody. Good news: People don’t seem to get as sick.

Let’s not politicize this. There’s an opportunity here for Democrats to attach this to a bigger platform of what I call protection. It seems as if everything the Republicans are doing, whether it’s not properly protecting you against COVID, whether it’s not properly protecting you against insurrection, whether it’s not properly protecting you against tyranny, whether it’s not properly protecting you against voting rights [sic]. There seems to be this kind of real opportunity for the Democrats to say, “We are here to protect every aspect of your life, including your health and including democracy, and everything in between.” So I’m kind of just lifting this up 10,000 feet, out of Omicron. This is a political opportunity for Democrats.


7.25 am ET

SCARBOROUGH: So, Donny, let’s talk about this. And if I’m pausing a bit here and there, I must say, it’s – it’s just – I am just – I’m still, I don’t know how I’m still shocked at my former party, but I am. You know, Manchin and Sinema, they support – they will support the Voting Rights Act. There are Republicans that will not allow a voter to vote. They won’t allow the vote. If you want to vote against this, vote against it for God’s sake, that’s your right. To block John Lewis Voting Rights Act To block the John Lewis Voting Rights Act by standing in front of school doors and preventing other students from voting? You don’t have to vote for it. Let it reach the floor for debate.

Yet, there is not one Republican. None. I’d heard something about Lisa Murkowski thinking about it. Is Mitt Romney still there? Are you against the Voting Rights Amendment? Susan Collins, where are you? Does Susan Collins – is she telling us that she is against extending the Voting Rights Act that every single Republican voted to extend in 2005/2006? Ben Sasse, where are you? He doesn’t like the Voting Rights Act.

So, again, if you don’t want to vote for it, if the people of Nebraska are against extending the Voting Rights Act that actually allowed black Americans a guarantee to actually vote in this country safely? It doesn’t matter if Nebraskans oppose it. If Ben is opposed, vote no. However, let the United States Senate decide whether to approve or deny it. They don’t want to do it.

Donny, Donny, here we are in 2022 for God’s sake. 2022. And Joe Manchin can’t find ten Republicans who support extending the Voting Rights Act in the way the Roberts Court directed them to a couple of years ago. It’s – I’m sorry, to me, that is – it’s beyond breathtaking, it’s beyond depressing. It’s just – it is an indictment on the Republican Party.

DONNY DEUTSCH: It’s an indictment on what the future of the Republican Party is given the numbers that are in the world. It is the same as attaching it with the big lie. The Republicans have figured something out, that the more free we are, the more people are allowed to vote, the more people of color that are allowed to vote, they can’t win elections anymore. Texas won’t be a red country in a couple of elections. Preventing or lying is the only way to win. That’s it. Their country is moving away. They have – there’s no game. There’s no answer other than, “Let’s not play fair, let’s cheat, let’s block.”

That – so, you know, we are a society that winning, in a lot of people’s minds, justifies – the ends justify the means. And they can no longer – you know, you open the show with sports – they can no longer come to the field and play on an even field, and this is just one more example. And as I said, no different than standing up there and saying 60% of Republicans saying, “Oh, guess what, Joe Biden didn’t win the election.” No different than them stacking local legislatures right now to make sure that certain states might have the ability to overturn, so this is in that same playbook of, “We can’t win anymore as the face of this country changes, as the diversity in this country becomes, by the year 2040, that there will be more non-whites in this country than whites.” This is just a simple function of that and it’s frightening and it’s pathetic and it goes against everything we are as a country.


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