Florida Republicans Try to Surrender on Redistricting, Giving Democrats New Hope – Opinion

While Florida certainly has the best GOP governor in the country, that doesn’t appear to be true regarding the Republicans who run the Florida Senate. The subcommittee responsible for redistricting in 2022 (and beyond), has narrowed down the matter to just two maps. Their choices leave Republican voters wondering what the hell is happening.

Instead of taking advantage the fact that Republicans control all three branches, Republican members seem to want to give in to massive Democrat gerrymanders such as those in California, Illinois and Maryland.

At first glance, those pictures won’t mean much to most people. These pictures are actually a 16-12 R. to D map. That’s absolutely nuts given you could draw a legal 21-7 R to D map, especially since the Supreme Court in Florida is also right-leaning. Although it was intended to strengthen some GOP districts while ignoring others, this is a difficult balance to strike. However, an 18-10 map should suffice. When redistricting is taking place, it’s 16-10 R and D, with one vacant.

A map 16-12 would help Democrats. This is absurd considering how Republicans did in Florida over the past several years. With such a reluctance to accept the consequences of their actions, how can Republicans expect to win any election? Florida’s House gains were made after the last census. Democrats are now allowed to use those gains. Honestly, I’m flabbergasted.

It is similar to the cowardice displayed in Missouri by Republican leaders who want to draw a 5-R to D map, when they could create a 7-1 R-D map which would be unchanged even in an awful year like 2018. Again, where’s the killer instinct? Do you think the nation is on the edge and worthy of fighting for? Republicans must counter if Democrats plan to repeat the Illinois feat of nuking 2 GOP districts, making Chicago seem like spaghetti. If they don’t, the almost certain victory in 2022 becomes less and less certain.

Wilton Simpson, a Republican is the Florida Senate President. He’s running for Agriculture Commissioner and is endorsed by Donald Trump. Maybe the ex-president should add some conditions to his endorsement. Because of this kind of political malpractice, he should be disqualified.

Republicans in Florida House are now the only hope. They have maps that are more ambitious and merit consideration. I’d also hope Gov. Ron DeSantis talks out about how important it is to do the right thing. Unacceptable is a 16-12 R2D map for Florida. Stop.

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