DC Comics Employee Unloads on Company For ‘Ruining’ Superman

Perhaps DC Comics’ woke agenda will be its own kryptonite. Only time will tell.

In the latest chapter of the comic book company’s Marxist rehabilitation of Superman, a gentleman who actually works on the comic book illustrations for the Man of Steel is quitting the company. He can’t take the woke BS anymore, in his own words saying the company is “ruining these characters.”

Well, that’s an understatement. 

Only in the last couple weeks has the full weight of woke propaganda crushed America’s most beloved superhero. They made his son gay, they made the character’s next greatest villain climate change and now they’re dropping “the American way” from his famous motto, “truth, justice and the American way.” It’s been replaced by a more PC/globalist line. Now Superman stands for “truth, justice and a better tomorrow.” Well, of course, the commies over at DC hate America and western civilization.

What’s next? Is Superman going to fight America?

Anyways, one brave man decided he couldn’t put up with this anymore. DC Comics colorist Gabe Eltaeb announced that he would not renew his contract with DC Comics.

Eltaeb, who was a DC Comics former employee, made his announcement in a YouTube livestream video. Eltaeb told his co-host and the audience, “I’m finishing out my contract with DC. I’m tired of this shit, I’m tired of them ruining these characters; they don’t have a right to do this.”

Geez, we’re sorry to hear that. But we’re also grateful that Eltaeb is open about this. It’s nice to hear that some people who work in these pop culture labs aren’t mindless proggies.

The colorist spoke out about his respect for his profession during the livestream. It was an amazing job. “At Comic-Con in 2009, I was pushing Jerry Robinson’s wheelchair around. That’s the man who invented the Joker,” he recalled.

“I would work the DC booth back then,” he claimed, adding, “I remember bending down to his face and telling him, thank you for creating these characters, so people like me can waltz in and get a job.”

The company’s recent wake-up call has left him feeling incredibly empty. Eltaeb stated that changing the slogan was their last straw. “What really pissed me off was saying truth, justice, and a better world. F–k that, it was Truth, Justice, and the American way,” he said.

The change in the line meant that he was disrespectful and ungrateful towards his grandfather, who was an American soldier in World War II. “My Grandpa almost died in World War II; we don’t have a right to destroy shit that people died for to give us,” he said. “It’s a bunch of fucking nonsense.”

Eltaeb unloaded the blame on media and pop culture gurus:

We are called bigots, racists, and shit. If they were to question me, I’d ask: Where can you find me? Not on the fringes. They fucking won’t. They’re not letting people have a voice, they’re the fucking bigots.

Geez, clearly that’s a man who’s extremely frustrated with today’s media landscape. We hope that there will be more people like him to push back against the media companies who are cancelling important programs for Americans.

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