Bill Maher Explains How the Left Has ‘Gone Mental’ – Opinion

Joe Rogan and Bill Maher are not conservatives. What conservatives look for in each of them is an ability to cut through the veil of democracy narrative to bring some truth to their power. They’re willing to say some basic truths that others with a big platform are not. Now, when the elites in control seem drunk on their power, that’s more essential than it ever was.

We found out that Maher had offered to take Bari Weiss onto her last week. The internet was captivated by Maher’s smackdown of COVID regulations.

Now, I probably don’t agree with Maher on much. But he nails — in a hilarious way — how liberals have moved away from their classical liberal origins to the mentally twisted progressives they are today. He says how he didn’t leave them, they left him.

Maher started off remarking about how Fox’s Dana Perino had joked about how he could run for president.

“Some people think this means I’ve changed, but I assure you, I have not,” he added. “I am still the same unmarried, pot-smoking libertine I always was. I have many flaws, but you can’t accuse me of maturing.

“Let’s get this straight,” the comedian declared. “It’s not me who changed — it’s the left, who is now made up of a small contingent who’ve gone mental, and a large contingent who refuse to call them out for it. But I will,”

“That’s why I’m a hero at Fox these days,” he said. “Which shows just how much liberals have their head up their a**, because if they really thought about it, they would have made me a hero on their media.”

Maher said some thought that he “didn’t use to make fun of the left as much,” but he explained that’s because they “didn’t give me so much to work with.”

My oath to office was comedy. And if you do goofy s–t, wherever you are on the spectrum, I’m going to make fun of you because that is where the gold is. You should know something from the fact they’re laughing about it: It rings true.

He continued: “When people read that San Francisco has basically legalized shoplifting, they think “Democrats have gone nuts.”

Real Americans see that and are afraid of the Democrats pushing this agenda if it is what they want.

He mentions how Democratic Congress members are pushing for cancelling rent, cancellation of mortgages, no more police and incarceration. “Declaring capitalism is slavery. Stop Lincoln and Dr. Seuss. Teach children that math and oppressors are racist. Make Mr. Potato Head gender-neutral.”

Maher spoke about the new pregnant man emoji and California passing a law requiring a “non-gendered” toy section. “Isn’t Ken enough,” he joked, showing the non-anatomically correct doll.

Maher said Americans were tired of Democratic rules — even before COVID came along.

Democrats are now a mockery of themselves. Just making rules to make rules because it makes you feel like you’re a better person. Making sure that everything bad never happens again, which you can never fully do, it just makes everybody else’s life a drag….Democrats no longer possess the common sense to understand that not every problem in the world can be fixed with a regulation.

But that doesn’t stop Democrats from trying and endlessly virtue-signaling about their purity.

Now, some on the left are all-in for the rules and that’s a bit scary that they sold their brains and their freedom for this. However, the majority of Americans reject this. This is evident in the polls that reject Biden and Democrats. More and more Democrats — it’s not just Maher — are saying enough of the crazy already.

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