New movie – working title: The ChooChoo That Couldn’t
Joe is a politician by profession. In 40 years of politics, he’s managed to get everything wrong. However, he’s fallen UP, his entire career. His ambitious wife wants to become president. Joe is convinced to run because he can’t stay in his bunker to win the election. He’s elected but since he doesn’t know who he is in the morning, she and a faithful cadre of puppeteers run the country and run it into the ground.
Every morning, Dr. Jill, the true power behind the throne, reminds Joe, he’s the president. Joe is put to sleep every night by Dr. Jill, who puts him to bed each night with a warm glass of milk and his ChooChoo toy. Joe recalls that his greatest days consisted of riding the ChooChoo on Delaware. Joe is convinced by her that the toy train will fix both global warming and transportation problems.
Joe’s happy. Dr. Jill’s happy she’s the president.
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