Biden Descends Into More Confusion and What He Says Will Infuriate Parents – Opinion

Joe Biden addressed a number of subjects Friday afternoon.

American parents were most concerned about what he was going to do regarding the crisis of infant formula in the United States. This problem has been ongoing for many months. Biden was asked why he hadn’t taken action sooner, and his response contradicted what White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Thursday.

“If we had been better mind readers, I guess we could’ve,” Biden said. “But we moved as quickly as the problem became apparent to us.”

Are you a mind reader? For months, this problem has been a constant. This problem has been going on for several months. It’s been a week since you started to talk about it.

But wait, I’m so confused! Didn’t Jen Psaki tell us on Thursday that they had been working on this for months?

What is the answer? They’re moving as quickly as they can now or they’ve been working on it for months? Unfortunately, Joe Biden can’t keep the lies straight anymore. Once again, no responsibility on his part– even though a lot of this is tied to the failure of the FDA to deal properly with the situation regarding the plant questions, plus supply chain issues that he still hasn’t dealt with.

Biden’s comments may sound like a good idea to parents desperate for this to be resolved in order to feed their children. If you’re only talking about it now and addressing it now, you did NOT “move as quickly” as you should, and that’s a big part of the problem. Now, what’s his next move? He spoke of importing formula. What about fixing the problems and reopening the affected plant so that we don’t rely on foreign supplies? Biden said that could take “weeks or less.” Weeks? That’s also problematic because foreign formulas might not meet stringent FDA regulations.

Biden’s remarks to leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, (ASEAN), were not only confused about the question of baby formula (which is why they have just started paying attention now), but also about the confusion surrounding who knew what and when it was.

Biden was going through his comments. Yet despite that, he still referred to “President Harris.”

I’ve forgotten how many times he’s called Kamala “President Harris” at this point. Then he continues talking, without ever realizing he had said it. Was it in there? Is this an attempt to get him into the 25th Amendment This was in front of several Asian leaders. This is not a great look.

Biden continued that comment with one about John Kerry as climate czar. Again, even though he appears to be reading at least part of his comment, he still can’t get it right.

The expression is supposed to be “he’s forgotten more than you’ll ever know.” But Joe being Joe, he said John “has forgotten about, more about, the needs we have for climate security than anyone that I know.”

Is it possible to see him and believe that we’re in a better place when he speaks like this? It just gets worse.

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