It is more challenging for certain people to pick a career than it is for others. Doctor, teacher, stay at home parent, rocket scientist, murderer…eh, hold up.
Sherry Reddix, a native of Mississippi is a Tufts University School of Medicine 2022 Graduate and will be a provider of abortions. In an interview with Christina Sturdivant Sani from The Washington Post, Reddix explained her excitement for becoming an abortionist and why, “now more than ever,” her role is “needed.”
Reddix’s commitment to aborting babies was inspired by her uncle’s role at an abortion clinic in Jackson, Miss. He was at the very same abortion clinic that is the focus of Dobbs-v. Jackson, which will be decided in this summer.
An award for Mississippi health was presented to the abortionist uncle, but he was apparently denied because of his involvement in baby murder. Her uncle was the emergency on-call physician at an abortion clinic but somehow Reddix was surprised that “even being loosely associated with abortion really stunted vertical mobility.”
I’m unsure how someone who performs abortions is only “loosely associated,” but, okay.
She also pointed out that her uncle might not have gotten the award because he’s black. Reddix was actually race baiting throughout the interview. At one point she said how black women are “more likely to have unintended pregnancies and not have access to contraception.”
So, then she claimed:
The sad thing is it doesn’t matter how educated you are, how much money you have, how famous [you are]. Serena Williams almost died during her delivery, and she probably had some of the best care that money can buy you. So it just goes to show that racism is so deeply rooted in the U.S. And sadly, it’s only getting worse with this [antiabortion] legislation.
Serena Williams, tennis legend, did experience a trauma giving birth. However, this experience has nothing to do with abortion. It’s clear that this Reddix chick is a recent college grad, because she really was just saying whatever the heck she thought sounded good.
Reddix feels the same way as the rest, and is upset at the possibility of Roe V. Wade being overturned. She said she’s “not shocked as this is the same system that has traditionally failed women, Black people and other marginalized groups.”
We are back to the racist propaganda.
Reddix was sure to point out that if and when abortion becomes illegal, she doesn’t plan to put down the vacuum or forceps anytime soon.
“Until someone physically takes the tools out of my hand, I don’t foresee a future where I’m not performing abortions,” Reddix opined.
Truthfully this interview was pointless, but I’m not surprised that WaPo released it. The Washington Post is well-known for spreading leftist propaganda and ideology. Second, the author of the article has a niche for pushing the narrative that being black is a disadvantage. Plus, The Post is admittedly for abortion.
Reddix is fortunate to have an alternate plan in place. Roe could be reversed and Reddix and her other abortionist friends would be fired.