X-Men Cross Out Divinity of Christ — Refer to Him as ‘Mutant Nazarene’

Blasphemy against Jesus Christ Himself is now a part of the Disney/Marvel media empire’s descent into woke madness. The newest edition of X-Men comics features a story beat that explains that Christ wasn’t miraculous because He was the Son of God, but because He was a mutant with superpowers.

Basically, He’s like Professor X or Magneto, if their powers were multiplying bread and fish or raising people from the dead. 

Nerd culture website BoundingIntoComics.com reported on this bit of flagrant heresy found in X-Men Immortals #1, the latest installment of the Marvel superhero series that debuted on March 30. 

In this new story written by Kieron Gillen, the world’s mutants – the genetically anomalous humans that make up this comic book universe’s superheroes – are holding a council meeting to replace one of their own. Magneto, the genius who manipulates metal using his mind, just retired as the leader of the council.

Although the council interviewed many candidates, including Angel, Beast and other series favourites, it failed to reach a consensus on who should be elevated to that position.

One of the council members, Exodus, a mutant often depicted throughout the series as a devout Christian, sets off to the local realm’s gardens to see if his friend and fellow mutant Hope Summers would be interested in joining the council’s ranks.

The discussion between both mutants reveals a gross and blasphemous depiction of the Son of God within this series’ universe. Exodus treats Summers with mutant powers that allow her to raise dead mutants as if it were a matter of God’s will. 

Readers are invited to participate in an open discussion that exposes a small part of Summers’s hatred for religion. Exodus praises Summers’ abilities, and claims that the Holy Spirit is upon her. “Your coming rekindled the fecundity of mutants. The Holy Spirit came upon you,” he tells her, to which she abruptly responds, “The Phoenix! It was the Burning Space Bird that visited me. There’s no need to get religious.”

Heaven forbid that God exists in modern comic books. 

The real blasphemy happens when Exodus tries to woo her by stating that her mutant powers of resurrection have far surpassed those of the “Mutant Nazarene” who raised only three people from the dead in the New Testament: the widow of Nain, Jairus’ daughter, and Lazarus.

“The Nazarene Mutant inspired a church among the humans by raising a couple from the dead. I just watched you beat that in the last five minutes,” Exodus told her.

It’s obvious what Exodus is getting at here. Jesus was not the Son Of God but a Nazarene mutant. However, he used his abilities to establish a church in Jerusalem and prove that He is God. Current mutants like Summers have far surpassed Jesus’ abilities. 

Exodus adds one more nail in the heretical coffin, telling Summers that her powers have given mutants something Christ didn’t. “And now, you have given us an actual heaven,” Exodus states.

Great job, Marvel. Marvel is a great example of the edgy atheist swagger. Guys, you should push the boundaries with your medium. 

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