Whoopi Thinks ‘Replacement Theory’ Is Invasion of the Body Snatchers

A replacement theory states that an inordinate number of people will vote against the country’s native electorate. However, there are still many. The View this week, co-host Whoopi Goldberg flaunted her apparent ignorance as she’s repeatedly suggested the theory is about people being abducted and literally replaced by other people a la The Invasion by the Body Snatchers. She’s even shouted demands to see proof that people have had themselves or their families physically replaced.

As NewsBusters research analyst Bill D’agostino reported, Democrats have viewed immigration policy as a means to achieve their policy agenda and it’s something we know liberals and the media have been vocal in touting for years. It has been relegated to the Ministry of Truth and is now being deleted.

The rest of the cast remains The View were simply trying to paint the theory as a racist conspiracy theory, Goldberg didn’t seem to understand what was being discussed. She scoffed Monday as the group was about to go to commercial breaks. “well, if it was that easy, wouldn’t your friends have disappeared?” “Think about it,” she requested.

Now Goldberg could just be being facetious in that she’s taking an issue that they claim is of dire importance to iron out and making a joke of it. Goldberg could be lying to the viewers about her theory and people’s beliefs. She is simply ignorant, which is the least morally unacceptable. This is believable because she claimed, “the Holocaust isn’t about race.”



But it wasn’t a one-off comment. On Tuesday, she expanded on the false notion by suggesting that people believed in replacement theory because they didn’t understand how elections worked. “Four years, we like you. We like you more after four years. That’s what the process is,” she huffed.

“No one is disappeared,” she declared. “I keep saying: prove it! If you’ve been replaced, I want you to show me where 10 of your relatives have disappeared. I want you to show me”

Goldberg was furious with the renewed demand for proof of family abductions during the Wednesday broadcast.

Yes. Also, I repeat, Please send me the proof of replacement.You must explain to people you’re familiar with who are being replaced. 


Okay? You have to replace it with something. Where did everyone go? This doesn’t make sense.

Sunny Hostin, Sunny’s co-host on The Tonight Show, tried to clarify the matter. She admitted that the demographics were changing and did so. “But the thing is there is a changing demographic in our country,” she said before Goldberg jumped down her throat with: “But that’s not replacement!”

Realizing they weren’t going to get Goldberg to budge from her ridiculous misunderstanding, Hostin and the rest of the cast tried to carry on without her by suggesting the “fear” behind the theory was of whites losing power as they become a minority (click “expand”):

HOSTIN: So, I have a question. When white people claim that they fear being replaced, can we just say it is true? It’s possible to be sure that it is true.

GOLDBERG : However, it is not. It’s not true.

HOSTIN – What do you fear? HOSTIN: What are you afraid of?

GOLDBERG You don’t want them to be discussed —

HOSTIN: And that’s never going to happen.

GOLDBERG: Well, that’s the case. Nobody can replace anyone.

JOY BEAR: They are afraid that people who you refer to will do jobs they don’t like.

HAINES – One is that those with a specific identity, such as whites, would not constitute the majority.

HOSTIN – So what happens if the majority of white people don’t live in this country?

Goldberg didn’t seem to appreciate getting left behind in the conversation and proceeded to lash out at her co-hosts and the people who understand replacement theory. “None of it makes any sense! You’re trying to make sense out of something that makes no sense! It’s okay! You are not being replaced,”She screamed.

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Below is the transcript. Click “expand to read:

ABC’s The View
May 18, 2022
Eastern 11:00:26


SUNNY HOTIN: It’s kind of surprising that he replied in this way, because we all know you must respond to racism. Everybody has to respond. They were also asking him about the white substitution theory, and its impact on Buffalo.

It is — again, because it seems that a lot of people struggle with this theory. I was confused yesterday. At its core, this theory holds that immigrants to the United States are crowding out whites and that there is an elite or cadre of elites that encourage that.

The belief of white supremacists is that black or brown people will replace them, or they will, intentionally. The Republican Party and its leaders, particularly the Republican Party’s Republican Party leadership, should take down people who are spreading a conspiracy theory that leads to violence.

SARAHAINES: This is why President Biden was forced to run. He was responding to the white nationalists in Charlottesville, and you remember them chanting “Jews will not replace us,” and all these other abhorrent–

HOSTIN: Yes. This was the replacement theory.

HAINES: Yes, that’s right. And that idea was what prompted Biden to say, “I have to do something.”

JOY BEAR: They will be replaced by robots, and not Jews.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG:  Yes. Also, please send me evidence that you or ten of your friends have been successfully replaced.  


Okay? You have to replace it with something. Where did everyone go? This doesn’t make sense.

HOSTIN: The truth is that there are a lot of people who have changed over the years.

GOLDBERG – But it’s no replacement!

HOSTIN – It isn’t replacement.

GOLDBERG: This is how it’s called. You lost an election. Do better next time.

HOSTIN. But, I am referring to the shifting demographics of our country. The country is growing in Latinos and Hispanics. This is something we do know.

GOLDBERG: Asian people.

HOSTIN: — Asian Americans and African Americans

HAINES: There are many multiracial people.

HOSTIN : My question is, white people claiming they are afraid of losing their jobs, so let’s just say it’s true. It’s possible to be sure that it is true.

GOLDBERG : However, it is not. It’s not true.

HOSTIN – What do you fear? HOSTIN: What are you afraid of?

GOLDBERG You don’t want them to be discussed —

HOSTIN: And that’s never going to happen.

GOLDBERG: Well, that’s the case. Nobody can replace anyone.

JOY BEAR: They are afraid that people who you refer to will do jobs that they don’t like.

HAINES – One is that those with a specific identity, such as white people, would not constitute the majority.

HOSTIN – So what happens if the majority of white people don’t live in this country?

HAINES: They’re not going to be the majority but no one’s replacing you!

HOSTIN: The fear of the unknown?

BEHAR: They are threatening to take the jobs and hold the power white people have had for so long.

GOLDBERG You’re trying to make sense out of something that makes no sense! It’s okay! It isn’t your turn! As the rest of humanity, you have to stay true to your country and fix it.

We’ll be right back.

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