The Talking Points Go Forth on the Rittenhouse Trial as Liberals Struggle to Cope – Opinion

Today was a very interesting day in the case against Kyle Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse took the stand after many days of faceplanting by the prosecution. It was an unusual and dangerous move. RedState has covered all of this here, here, & here. It is certain that the prosecution’s behavior and the testimonies will have a significant impact on the end result.

Let me start by stating a prediction which I made before the events of yesterday.

The judge went on multiple occasions for misconduct and the proceedings quickly spiralled out of control. That included the questioning of Rittenhouse’s constitutional right to remain silent and an improper entry of evidence that had already been ruled as inadmissible.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long until the talking points went forth. Rittenhouse was looking at an unlikely acquittal. The left needed a new target. And this judge, despite not being a rightwing lunatic, just happens to be that target.

Note, these aren’t random accounts, but major news outlets.

For two reasons, this is very dangerous. This is dangerous stuff because it puts the blame directly on Rittenhouse, a judge who has not done anything but enforce courtroom rules on a prosecutor who doesn’t know he has a case and who has been running wild. Two, it sets up the narrative that Rittenhouse being found “not guilty” is somehow not the just outcome.

You get the following: With misleading reporting, you get violence and more rioting.

Let’s also note the hypocrisy here. The media slammed Donald Trump for making offhand comments about any judicial proceeding. However, Hakeem Jeffreys, the leader of the Democratic House, declared that Rittenhouse must be locked up, and that the key should not be thrown away. No criticism was received in mainstream media. It’s strange, isn’t it? It’s almost as if the standards the press laid forth for Trump were really just malleable, partisan lines of convenience to push political attacks.

But while those in the press are attacking the judge based on the idea that he holds some mythical bias (he was appointed by a Democrat), others are going right to the left’s favorite play: Calling him a white supremacist.

Those “sanctity of the judiciary” takes pushed from 2016-2020 sure went out the window fast, didn’t they? Did you know that shooting white people to defend themselves is an indicator of white supremacy.

What we are seeing are liberals who simply can not cope with the reality that the facts don’t support their preferred outcome. Instead of admitting it, or even just closing their mouths about it, these liberals are demanding that a teenage boy be sent to prison in order to justify their absurd worldview. These last-minute denouncements of the judge, based on nothing tangible whatsoever, are just another attempt to influence a trial that isn’t going the way they think it should.

This case is only one example of the wider problem. Rittenhouse being sent to prison for his defense is a sign that one side of the political spectrum doesn’t have boundaries. People who are not in line with their political beliefs will be imprisoned. That’s scary stuff.

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