Fake news is perhaps the best gift Donald Trump could have given us. The news, not the news as such but how it is identified. Pre-Trump, we didn’t have a universal term for the liars and ideologues who comprised the mainstream media. Rush Limbaugh gave us “drive-by media,” and it was the closest thing to an umbrella term we had. The term was used to describe a media who would spread false information and biased stories to incite discontent and then drive off to leave victims bleeding and injured.
Trump’s “fake news” label stuck because it embodied both Limbaugh’s “drive-by media” sentiment and the understanding that not only were many stories coming out of legacy media bias, they were outright lies. They were false. They had no truth in them, they were simply designed to sway public opinion…even elections.
Friday saw the world burst into flames as the news broke of the imminent implosion our galaxy. It will cause a black hole to form in the solar system, which will eventually kill humanity.
Well, kind of…Roe v. Wade was overturned. It would have been much easier to believe that we are heading towards a black hole in outerspace, judging by the reactions of pro-abortion supporters.
There has been a lot of crying and grinding of teeth since the decision was made. Many are now facing the wrathful whiners. Justice Clarence Thomas is one of them. The progressives haven’t just saved their rage for Thomas, however. Now they are furious at Ruth Bader Ginsberg (once a hero of feminist progressivism and feminism), but now they hate and rage against her. What was her greatest sin? Her cardinal sin? Not retiring as a Democrat President, and not leaving her seat after her death to be appointed President Trump. All of the other pro-progressive rulings she made, all the progress she made in women’s rights and for the equality of women, have been erased. Ginsberg’s only legacy from now on, according to the fickle left, will be that she didn’t retire when everyone wanted her to.
They are all to blame. It’s not Trump’s fault. It’s not even RBG’s fault. This is due to the ignorance and childishness of mainstream liberal media and progressive left. They told lies to us. They even lied about themselves. RBG was also lied to.
The Republicans would not be able to win the American vote after Obama, they told us. We were told that the country has changed and that the people who screamed about being pushed out were only a minority of racist losers. They weren’t real people with real concerns. They were morons who kept their Bibles and guns close to their chests. They weren’t humans. They were actually less than human beings, and unworthy of any consideration.
Instead of being curious, journalists became cheerleaders of the left and repeated the lies that only a few Americans were happy. Those people were unhappy because they couldn’t be smart and sophisticated like the smart, sophisticated elites in New York City or Los Angeles. They were toothless, stupendous wonders.WishedYou could make them as wealthy. Because of their bitterness, they were considered fringe lunatics.
Because of their willful blindness toward half the country, they could not see – or It would be impossible see – that so very many people were still aching for representation. They hadn’t gone anywhere, they’d only been silenced.
So, as Obama’s tenure wound to a close, the media posted poll after poll that supported their preferred candidate…Mrs.Clinton, of course. They didn’t care if the polls were flawed. Anybody who doubted the polling were labelled right-wing nutjobs, who were just being miserable losers. They ran fawning stories about Hillary Clinton’s childhood, her time as First Lady, her “charity” and her advocacy. Instead of focusing on Trump’s growing numbers, they ignored them and instead focused their attention on the future.
Imagine America as it was when our first female President was in charge. What will happen to feminism? What will be the response of the rest of the world? What will Hillary’s first moves in office be? How will we address Mr.Clinton (the First Gentleman, if you didn’t already know)?
They were already prepared months in advance of the 2016 election. The media said that Clinton was certain. These elections were just formalities.
Of course RBG didn’t retire under Obama. As with the rest of us she was informed that Hillary Clinton would almost certainly be our next president. Given RBG’s unique place in history and more specifically, feminist history, it was not a shock to discover that she longed to hand over her decades of service to the first woman President. The specter. RBG was not selfish. Why wouldn’t she be? Nobody could tell her any other truth than the lies that President Hillary Clinton was an absolute certainty.
She waited. The progressives, who believe in central power and made a terrible mistake.
It isn’t her fault, though. It is the fault of the “fake news” media, and the incurious progressives who only want to hear what tickles their ears instead of the truth. It is the fault of everyone who lied to her and told her to ignore the possibility that half the country doesn’t think like her and may not vote like her.
Progressives have no one but themselves to blame for RBG’s wishful thinking. They bet on their biases and lost.