The Latest Person To Try To Cancel Joe Rogan Is Watching It All Blow up in His Face – Opinion

If you’re going to take a shot at the king, don’t miss. The latest guy to attempt it sure did, and now he’s getting dragged through the digital public square despite the media’s best attempts to get people on his side.

Joe Rogan, the podcast extraordinaire, is one of America’s most popular men. He attracts listeners from every political side, race and religion. His shows usually feature interesting people who have interesting insights and information while Rogan himself continues to be relatable as America’s everyman.

It’s a formula that works so well for him that he currently attracts around 11 million people to every episode he releases. For context, Tucker Carlson, America’s number one watched cable news host, attracts around 3.2 million per episode.

(READ: Numbers Show Who America Is Watching and It Explains the Left’s Fears and Desperation)

One of the reasons Rogan is so popular is that he’s not concerned with political correctness and will speak his mind freely and openly. Often, this results in the defiance of the leftist narrative on anything from transgendered people in sports to the way we’ve been told to panic over the COVID-19 virus. Ethan Klein is the most recent leftist to be in his crosshairs.

Klein may be forgotten, but he graciously accepted an offer last June to discuss Steven Crowder’s COVID-19 or vaccine authority. Klein pulled out all stops when it was time for debate and swapped with Sam Seder, a leftist YouTuber while making disparaging comments about Crowder. Klein attempted to make it look like a win by pretending that Crowder had refused to discuss on false terms. He then logged out of the conversation.

(READ: The Left Shouldn’t be Too Proud of that H3 Podcast vs. Steven Crowder “Debate”)

Klein’s “H3 Podcast” continues to lose viewers and relevancy, and in an attempt to maintain some he attacked Rogan after Rogan hosted a Dr. Robert Malone, the man who invented the technology that gave birth to the modern vaccine, including the ones created to tackle COVID-19. Within this episode of the “Joe Rogan Experience,” Malone revealed some background and facts about the vaccine that is wildly inconvenient to the left’s narrative about it.

This seemed to upset Klein who launched into a tirade about Rogan, his health practices, and the fact that he’s responsible for a lot of vaccine hesitancy in our society.

“Joe Rogan, who lives on elk meat, egg yolk, and human growth hormone, with lungs full of tar, thinks he’s healthier than everyone,” Klein tweetedThis week, earlier.

Rogan’s promotion of Ivermectin was met with anger, as he had been suffering from Coronavirus.

Klein received less than favorable responses to his tweet, it is evident. Klein’s tweet has been attacked by many for his views and hypocrisy regarding Rogan’s unhealthy lifestyle. Rogan looks very healthy, while Klein appears to be overweight.

It is interesting to note that mainstream media decided this story was worthy of being covered in depth. It quickly jumped on the defense of Klein, and then began to attack Rogan. NBC News attempted to paint the backlash toward Klein as “fatphobic” and antisemitic:

Joe Rogan’s fans are responding to criticism of the podcast host’s fringe medical stances with fatphobic and antisemitic remarks, which have only intensified after YouTube personality Ethan Klein criticized him for spreading Covid vaccine misinformation.

Yet, despite the media’s help, Klein doesn’t seem to be winning any fights here. People are noticing that NBC didn’t point out exactly where the antisemitic tweets are, and the “fatphobic” comments NBC claimed were being thrown at him were simply people pointing out that Klein has no room to talk about the “unhealthy” lifestyle of others. As it stands, it’s only served to embarrass Klein further.

When the dust settles, Rogan will likely be more popular than ever, but the same can’t be said of Klein who continues to slip into irrelevancy with his only gasps for air happening when he starts drama with people who are more popular than him. This attack on Rogan seems more like an effort to get attention.

To be sure, it worked, but the greater concern isn’t that Klein got what he wanted, it’s that our own mainstream media is attempting to help him do it. To be more accurate, it’s highly unlikely they even care about Klein. Their concern is to bring down Rogan, who has continued to make matters more complicated for them.

But it’s highly unlikely that Rogan is going anywhere and he’ll continue to be a major problem for them for the forseeable future.

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