MSNBC ‘Historian’ Equates Jan. 6 to the ‘Holocaust’ and Video of the Camps

One of the major rules of politics is don’t compare anything to the Holocaust because you look like a fool. And that’s exactly what MSNBC’s far-left “historian” Douglas Brinkley did during Thursday’s January 6 festivities on Craig Melvin Reports. And not only did he compare the riot at the Capitol to the systematic killing of 6 million Jews, but he also declared America in a “neo-civil war” and warned of “dark, troubled times” ahead.

Brinkley kicked off his ridiculous comments by praising Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY) as having “become our true profiles in courage.” Adding: “The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library Foundation every year gives an award. It should go to her,” and compared her to President Abraham Lincoln.

Next came his gross comparison to the Holocaust where he compared video of the riot to then-General Eisenhower documenting the concentration camps to counter deniers. “However, we do have footage from January 6. Dwight Eisenhower, during World War II made sure that every Holocaust camp was filmed. So, we’ve got the film footage,” he bragged.

Brinkley also announced, as did every other wannabe celebrity on Twitter: he thought the riot was like Pearl Harbor or 9/11, and that January 6 needed to be given a special name.



However, my concern is: What do we call it? And how can we ensure that this day, which has been darkened every year for so many years, gets celebrated each and every year. So, we’ve got to keep saying January 6. This is similar to December 7, Pearl Harbor. It is also like 9/11. We should not hesitate to name it the Trump Insurrection. Because in the end, all roads to what went wrong that day lead to Donald Trump’s ill behavior, his anti-democratic stance he took, the big lie, after the presidential election tallies came in and Joe Biden had won by millions of votes.

The 6th of January has been called 9/11, Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust. Is this the new Chrismahanukwanzakah? You can’t just stuff everything in one place.

Further, Brinkley warned that we could be witnessing the “A type of indigenous authoritarianism was born.” And his advice to counter it was that “January 6 has to be a crusade that’s every dayAs The New York Times op-ed said every day is January 6.”

He meant every day up to the midterm elections, as Democrats only use the day for their political agendas. And that’s why the liberal media and the left wanted to federalize America’s election system:

We’ve got to secure free and fair elections; that’s the heart and soul of our democracy. That is a great export, we’re the world’s oldest democracy. And if we don’t defend that, we’re in dark, troubled times.

Ironically, host Craig Melvin whined that “You’ve a lot of folks now, dozens of people, who are trying to use what happened at the Capitol on January 6 to win elections.” He was talking about people who had attended so-called “Stop the Steal” rallies.

Subway’s and Verizon’s lucrative sponsorships made it possible to make this horrible comparison with the Holocaust. You can find their contact information linked to let you know more about biased news that they finance.

You can find the transcript below. To read it, please click on “expand”.

MSNBC’s Craig Melvin Reports
January 6, 2022
Eastern at 11:55 a.m.

CRAIG MELLIN: Doug, how are you? In her remarks this morning, Congresswoman Cheney invoked history. Is she right in stating that history will punish those who downplay or ignore what occurred a year back?

DOUGLAS BRINKLEY : She’s absolutely right. Liz Cheney is one of our most courageous examples. Every year, the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library Foundation gives an award. This award should be given to her. It reminds of the brave Republicans who have gone before us, like Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. Margaret Chase Smith is another example. John McCain was also a strong Republican.

We have video footage that shows what took place on January 6th, and we can prove it. Dwight Eisenhower made sure that all Holocaust camps were recorded during World War II. So, we’ve got the film footage. So, now we’re combating conspiracy theorists, deniers, and some Trumpateers.

However, my concern is: How can we make this day, this stained day of the year, a day that’s respected every year? So, we’ve got to keep saying January 6. This is much like December 7, Pearl Harbor. It is a tragedy like 9/11. We should not hesitate to refer to it as the Trump Insurrection. Because in the end, all roads to what went wrong that day lead to Donald Trump’s ill behavior, his anti-democratic stance he took, the big lie, after the presidential election tallies came in and Joe Biden had won by millions of votes.

MELVIN: Michael Steele, it’s not just folks who are trying to downplay it. You’ve a lot of folks now, dozens of people, who trying to use what happened at the Capitol on January 6 to win elections. Politico reporting, quote, “at least 57 individuals who played a role in that day’s events – either by attending the Save America rally that proceeded the riots, gathering at the Capitol steps or breaching the Capitol itself – are now running for elected office.”


Eastern, 11:54:18

MELVIN: What would you think that could signal, with these divisions, and the possibility that Doug’s people actually storming the Capitol, to start winning elections?

BRINKLEY. It would mean the end for democracy. It would be the birth of an indigenous authoritarianism. And it’s quite frightening and its why Michael Steele said we’ve got to push back, the people got to push back now.

January 6 has to be a crusade that’s every day as The New York TimesAn op-ed stated that January 6 is the day. It’s not about just voting in the United States. But we have to make sure our elections aren’t sabotaged, or there is not subversion, that there’s not sorts of wild-eyed gerrymandering going on behind our backs.

Our secretaries in various states of the United States are being attacked right now. Public officials are under threat of death. So, we are in a real neo-civil war and it’s a battle between democracy versus a kind of nativist authoritarianism.

This is why Joe Biden & Kamala Houston are going to Atlanta. They didn’t connect the dots today, but they’re going to promote the John Lewis Voting Rights. We’ve got to secure free and fair elections; that’s the heart and soul of our democracy. That is a great export, we’re the world’s oldest democracy. And if we don’t defend that, we’re in dark, troubled times.


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