The CDC Just Confirmed Something That’s Been Called a Conspiracy Theory for Nearly Two Years – Opinion

There has been a heated debate about the reliability of COVID-19 death tolls since the outbreak. The goal was to distinguish between those who were directly infected and those who died from an accidental infection.

This debate arose because of numerous instances of coronavirus-infected people being wrongly labeled dead. Typically, when a limited dive into the data produces such results (such as just looking at Palm Beach County), you can bet there are a lot more examples out there that just haven’t been discovered.

But, over the course of nearly two years, every discussion on such miscategorizations was met with a litany derogatory replies. Either you were a conspiracy theorist, weren’t taking the pandemic seriously, or both. Numerous articles in the press claimed that totals are accurate. This was especially true during Trump’s presidency. The Washington Post called Sen. Joni Ernst (who is as milquetoast a Republican as one can get) a conspiracist because she asked questions. Social media platforms would also ban anyone who suggested that the totals weren’t accurate.

As has been the case for the past few months with revisions to the vaccines’ inability to stop the spread of COVID-19 and the admitting that the laboratory leak theory may be probable, another significant shift is occurring. According to CDC Dir. Rochelle Wilensky: The government plans to publish revised COVID death statistics that show the number of people who have died of this virus, rather than the total.

This announcement can be seen as a positive thing if it is taken in isolation. Who wouldn’t want more accurate data regarding the pandemic? This is especially true when we use our exaggerated death rates from COVID to make fun of the United States and other countries.

Yet, I can’t help but notice how politically convenient this is. Literally, a mere few days after Joe Biden was elected to preside over the largest number of COVID-related deaths in America, the government decides that it is now the best time for the numbers to be revised. Yeah, there’s no way that’s a coincidence. And rest assured, the same media that “fact-checked” any prior questions about the COVID death totals will now pretend like that never happened.

Imagine if Trump’s CDC would have made such data available. This would have sparked a storm of allegations that Trump’s government falsified death tolls in order to gain political mileage. Heck, it wouldn’t have surprised me if it led to another impeachment. Yet, the Biden administration moves to do just that and it’s all shrugs.

This is yet another example of the political nature of the whole pandemic. Everything’s a conspiracy theory until it’s no longer useful to the Democrat narrative. Only then can information be presented to the public in more precise manner.

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