President Joe Biden and the Democrats have led us straight into what might be another cold war with Russia, and part of the reason that’s happening is due to a combination of Biden’s incompetence and his weakness. When you’re the most powerful nation on the planet, strong leaders are required to defend the country from those who would like to see it collapse and take more power in its absence.
The weak leader invites problems and bad faith deals. This is because the strong leader realizes that the weaker leader will be more inclined to appeasement. In the current situation, Russian President Vladimir Putin couldn’t have asked for a much better leader to push around than Biden.
It’s a fact that Ted Cruz highlighted in a recent interview to the Daily Wire:
“Literally, every region on Earth has gotten markedly worse since Joe Biden became president and worse from the perspective of U.S. national security,” Cruz told the Daily Wire. “Biden combines radical leftist ideology with manifest incompetence. And it’s a toxic brew, last seen with Jimmy Carter, and the debacle of foreign policy that unfolded under his disastrous administration, Biden’s administration in just a year is already worse than Jimmy Carter.”
Cruz further delved into Biden’s issues, including the fact that he has a habit of going around the back of our allies in order to act unilaterally. Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan was the most horrific example. He effectively left American citizens behind and our allies in the fight against the Taliban without consulting other foreign leaders.
Cruz said that the move revealed a huge flaw within the Biden administration. This is something our enemies are likely to take advantage of.
The consequences of this catastrophe were devastating in Afghanistan. The consequences of the disaster were felt all over the globe. The Oval Office was the focal point of every enemy to America. They took the Oval Office as their measure. They concluded Joe Biden was weak, inept, and completely ineffective. As a result, there was a tenfold increase in the probability of Russian intervention in Ukraine and tenfold more for a Chinese invasion on Taiwan. America’s foes have declared that the Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces can do nothing to stop their hostile plans.
As Cruz noted, weakness inspires hostilities. One reason so many of our enemies act out is that they saw Biden’s weakness in Afghanistan. Cruz pointed out that the left is prone to appeasement.
It is not for the best that no one studies at Neville Chamberlain School of Foreign Affairs. Appeasement doesn’t work and it’s provocative. Appeasement will increase the chance of war because bullies, tyrants and others are more likely to act in deplorable ways when they see weakness.
Cruz pointed out that Russia waited until a weak leader came along before they even began advancing on Ukraine, and did not attack during the years of Donald Trump’s presidency as they knew that Trump wouldn’t tolerate any troublemaking from Russia.
Cruz also noted that our enemies were assured of Biden’s weaknesses after two events, the first being Afghanistan and the second being the lifting of sanctions on Nord Stream 2. Putin had the opportunity to start pushing Biden and to move closer towards bringing back Soviet Union. Russia is dependent on Ukraine to produce its energy, however, an invasion would have affected his ability transport oil and natural gas into Europe. Russia’s Nord Stream 2 sanctions have been lifted. Russia now has an underwater pipeline connecting Russia and Germany. He no longer needs to be concerned about Ukraine damaging his oil sales.
This ambition of Putin’s has made war with America and Europe very close.
“The U.S. military has advised Congress that Europe is in the greatest jeopardy that it has been since 1945,” Cruz said. “That’s the result of Biden’s weakness.”
Cruz is correct. Biden has failed on every foreign policy problem he’s come across. On every box he’s supposed to have checked as a leader on the world stage, he’s missed the mark. Putin is an extremely cunning, determined leader who far surpasses Biden’s stature as a stateman. Where Biden flounders and fails at every turn, Putin’s power and ambition are absolute.
Russia is on the rise while at the White House, it’s amateur hour.
Russia is an unpredictable beast and it needs a strong handler to keep it back. When you’re the President of the United States you effectively become the handler of multiple dictators, and if you can’t handle them they will manhandle you.
This comes with so many severe consequences and we’re going to see some of them in the near future.
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