Stelter Guest: Tucker, Ingraham & Shapiro Parrot White Supremacists

On Sunday’s Trustworthy Sources on CNN, Brian Stelter brought on leftist journalist Wesley Lowery to discuss what they describe as extremist content online and in media that inspired the shooter in Saturday’s mass shooting at a Buffalo grocery store. Lowery went on to say that Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Ben Shapiro from Fox News were repeating white supremacist talk points. 

“There is a complex conspiracy theory that’s as old as our American society in which white Americans are being told, being poisoned through the internet but also through some relatively mainstream media organizations on the right, being told that they are facing a demographic crisis and they have to stand up for themselves”Lowery wept. 

Stelter interceded to explain who he was talking about: “let’s just be clear, Wes, you’re talking about Tucker Carlson, you’re talking about Laura Ingraham, you’re talking about the biggest stars on Fox News.” He then asked if it’s ‘too simplistic to reduce this to a single television show though?”

Lowery agreed, but continued to double-down on his attacks against conservartive media. “the stuff Tucker and Laura Ingraham say every night could be written by white supremacists very often.” 



Lowery has continued to tell lies about Carlson, Shaprio and others by asserting “there is a section of this manifesto where the shooter starts talking about people always say diversity is strength. Is that strength? Tucker can clearly hear this in his voice. This is what Tucker says all the time. But the Ben Shapiros of the world say this.”

Lowery claims that Republican presidents and politicians spread hatred due to their attention on illegal immigrants. “it’s something Republicans have seized upon”Add that “It’s something that in our rhetoric and in our conversation very often mainstream political forces have been remarkably irresponsible in the language they’ve used around immigration and around race in ways that have fueled and empowered white supremacists.”  

Proving just how absurd his arguments are, he even claimed conservatives pointing out George Soros’s detrimental effect on our politics is somehow spreading hatred “about Jewish people, about black people. The way George Soros’ name is thrown around, the way people talk about immigrants & crime. All of these things play into racist, white supremacist tropes.” 

His argument basically boils down into a conservative political attack that spreads hatred of religion and incites violence. This is the kind of commentary you can expect from Brian Stelter’s reliably liberal Trustworthy Sources

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To read the relevant transcript click “expand”:

CNN’s Trustworthy Sources
Eastern, 11:05:02 

WESLEYLOWERY. There’s a complicated conspiracy theory about white Americans that goes back as far as American society. White Americans are being told by the internet and other mainstream media that they’re facing a population crisis. They must stand up for their rights. 

BRIAN STELTER: And let’s just be clear, Wes, you’re talking about Tucker Carlson, you’re talking about Laura Ingraham, you’re talking about the biggest stars on Fox News. Does it seem too easy to just reduce the entire thing to one TV show? 


STELTER: I’m seeing it a lot on social media, just blaming Fox, just blaming Tucker and I think there’s a lot of blame to go around. 

LOWERY – There are a lot. Let’s not forget, I am serious. White supremacists could write the things Tucker and Laura Ingraham say each night. The manifesto includes a section where the shooter talks about how people say that diversity is strength. Is that strength? Tucker can clearly hear this in his voice. You hear it all the way he does. But the Ben Shapiros of the world say this, there’s a big chunk about the idea of genetic differences that could’ve been pulled from an Andrew Sullivan column. 

These ideas are promoted and advanced by many people, both in politics and media. My point is that you can’t simplify it to one network, or specific spaces online. We have to have a conversation about our political rhetoric in our country. 

For the past several decades, immigration has been the central topic of our politics. This is what Donald Trump used to get into office. Republicans have capitalized on this fact. It’s something that in our rhetoric and in our conversation very often mainstream political forces have been remarkably irresponsible in the language they’ve used around immigration and around race in ways that have fueled and empowered white supremacists. Again, it’s not just people on the far right. This is CNN, where Lou Dobbs used to be given one hour each night on CNN to make some really racist comments about immigrant subjects. And so I think it’s something we have to take seriously because when we take it seriously, it forces us to actually consider the words we use, especially when we’re advancing stereotypes about immigrants, about Jewish people, about black people. The way George Soros’ name is thrown around, the way people talk about immigrants & crime. All these factors play into racist and white supremacist tropes.

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