Snuff Out the Torch

Adolf Hitler was the head of the 1936 Summer Olympics. The Nazis were celebrating their coming out party at the Summer Olympics. The Nazis put forward their best to demonstrate their rehabilitation after World War I. The goal was to impress the public with their Nazi splendor. International media, as well as much of the global public, ate up this spectacle. The German annexation of Austria was completed two years later. World War II started less than one year later.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC), an abomination of corruption and villainy that is more at home in Tatooine then on Earth, will gather with the athletes from all over the globe in Beijing, China for the 2022 Winter Olympics. Beijing is the first city in the world to have both a winter and summer games. This honor has been bestowed by the IOC. China’s dictator Xi Jinping plans to make this Olympic Games a party for Chinese glory, just as Hitler used the World War II Olympics. Xi is most likely to invade Taiwan within three years. History echos. Much of the international press, just like Hitler, prefers glamourization over truth-telling.

COVID-19 is a reason why many American media outlets won’t send their reporters to Beijing. It is possible to hope that they will be more open in criticizing China, especially NBC which stands to profit from these games. NBC News frequently lectures Americans about the importance of social justice. However, it hopes to reap a handsome profit from Beijing’s games. CNN documents China’s violations of human rights.

It is well-known for being corrupt. The IOC’s leaders have taken bribes from their families and given them financial and personal benefits as they pursued the Olympic Games in cities across the globe. IOC leaders often turned a blind ear to corruption and the totalitarian actions of other nations. These corrupt and despotic regimes have used the Olympic Games to gain international praise.

China’s corruption, which is also legendary, has become more well-known. China allows its corporations to steal intellectual property, engage in digital piracy and spy on other companies, among many others. This is not a list of “accused” and “alleged” weasels. It’s well documented.

The Chinese also engage in human rights violations. The Chinese have broken the promise they made to Hong Kong’s international community about Hong Kong governance. Protesters and dissidents are being systematically rounded up. Others are executed while others are sent off to be educated.

China demolishes churches and persecutes Christians. It oppresses small churches at home and the Catholic Church. It imprisons priests, and executes missionaries. China is imposing forced abortions on children as a way to preserve its original one-child policy. They even have mobile abortion units that can be transported to villages.

China is notorious for its slave labor. American companies have profited from Chinese forced and slave labor camps. China has established internment camps in Xinjiang. This nation seeks to eradicate the Uyghur ethnically Muslim population by seperating children from their families. China’s internment camp are modern versions Nazi concentration camps.

China has been threatening nations around the globe with land. China often makes precarious loans to countries that are poor, with very strict property ownership conditions in the event of default. China may also distribute money to support its diplomatic and military power to help other despotic regimes. China tried to take over the territory of Vietnam and the Philippines in the South China Sea. These two countries continue to beg the United States for assistance against China. It does not begin to address China’s treatment Taiwan or the relentless bullying of countries that recognize Taiwan’s independence.

China poses a danger to freedom. China’s communist government is an affront to the values that the IOC asserts the Olympics stand for: friendship, excellence and respect. The Chinese government has no friends and no respect. Xi, a bully-tyrant who makes the world less secure and more illiberal, is Xi.

Joe Biden, President of the United States should have called for a complete boycott of Beijing Games. This is not a simple diplomatic boycott. I refuse to watch the Olympics. I don’t want to be a part of coming-out parties that glorify murderous regimes.

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