‘Slow-Rolling Insurgency’; Reid, Pals Accuse All Conservatives of Being Terrorists

Before a maddening segment about Kyle Rittenhouse, MSNBC’s ReidOut host Joy Reid opened Wednesday’s show by spewing more viperous rhetoric against the right as a millions-strong terrorist organization carrying out a “slow rolling insurrection”And “apartheid democracy”They are dangerous to the safety of their fellow Americans and their electoral victory is illegitimate.

Reid had simpletons to hurl vile bile of their own, warning that the American right doesn’t care about human lives and, if elected at any level in the future, they will never surrender power again.



“We beginReidOutTonight, we are bringing you a warning about something much worse. It is a warning that insurrection against democracy continues to thrive and remains alive. What we saw play out on January 6th was just the beginning,”Reid opened with a callback to January 6th.

Reid explained that the GOP is a symbol of a “slow rolling insurrection is now unfolding in front of our very eyes and we should all be very concerned” about them because their “ attacks on our democracy are happening state by state” to ensure that they can steal future elections.

Tossing in “fear-mongering over issues of race and boogeyman, like critical race theory, to scare particularly white voters,” Reid used selective memory to paint gerrymandering as a Republican ploy to win “far more seats than they deserve” with Georgia being one example of an “apartheid democracy.”

A few minutes after hilarious insisting it’s the GOP who possess “unquenchable thirst for power,” Reid told Republican-turned-attention-seeking Resistance fighter Olivia Troye that the GOP will illegitimately take power in 2022 as they “bioengineer Republican victories.”

Troye was also involved, and ghoulishly claimed over 70 millions Americans “don’t care about our democracy, the Constitution, the rule of law,”The lives or properties of “Americans” Where “all they care about is themselves” Donald Trump

When Reid said to Malcolm Nance, MSNBC contributor, that the GOP might best be described by being “The GOP,” further distorted reality. “autocracy 101 that the autocrats party is not subject to the laws…and so, if you have a political party that, at this point, believes that they can simply steal enough elections and rig enough elections,” then they’ll either “reintroduce the autocrat” or someone else to ensure American turns into “an insurrectionist society.”

Likely, he is still reeling from it August humiliation on HBO at the hands of Ben Shapiro, Nance painted right-of-center Americans as an “insurgency” that will use “terrorist action” to permanently seize power (click “expand”):

What we’re seeing here is, and I think we’re using the wrong word, and you’ll have to apologize if I keep emphasizing this word, we are not in a slow rolling insurrection. Insurrection is now underway. Now we are experiencing the slow rolling insurgency. That is a series insurrections and political actions that fight and take the fights off the halls and power. The insurrections move them to the States, to the streets via populist movement, or to cause chaos to a government determined to seize power for all time. And that’s where we’re going. 


What we have here is the political wing of the Republican Party now coddling and embracing the very people that attacked democracy if this — if the election is lost next year, the Republicans take the House of Representatives, those people will become your future — you know, your future congressmen, will become your future leaders in the Republican Party and host on other conservative news channels calling themselves political prisoners. The end of American representative democracy will be upon you. They will seize control. They will seize power.

Before a break, Reid instructed viewers that more Democrats need to be told of how the right should be crushed because America’s “a kakistocracy in the making, and we’ve seen this happen before”as “the tea party was out there hanging Barack Obama, President Obama and having n-word signs and just blatant racism calling him a monkey and everything else, next thing you knew, tea party people are all over Congress.”

Bidding farewell to her panel, Reid had one final warning shot meant to tear families and neighborhoods apart solely on the basis of politics: “They’re mainstreaming white nationalism, violence instead of politics, all of it and there’s nothing happening to them. It’s wild.”

MSNBC’s dangerous painting of all non-Democrats as terrorists who lack any regard for human life was made possible thanks to the endorsement of advertisers such as Chase and Fidelity. Follow the links to see their contact information at the MRC’s Conservatives Fight Back page.

Click here to see the MSNBC transcript for November 10.

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