Sen. Chris Murphy Confirms He Is Just a Genuinely Awful Person – Opinion

Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy, D (Like his Democratic colleague Sen. Richard Blumenthal), isn’t exactly the sharpest of tools in the shed. He also doesn’t have any idea what honor or decency should look like.

When he’s not meeting with terrorist state leaders and trying to undermine U.S. policy in the process, a favorite subject for Murphy has been the Second Amendment, for which he frequently expresses disdain. In fact, he’s established himself as one of the most anti-gun rights Senators in modern history, and was responsible in part for the “bipartisan gun bill” that President Biden recently signed into law.

To further prove the point, after the Tuesday release of the chilling 77-minute video from the horrific Robb Elementary School mass shooting, Murphy took to the Twitter machine to proclaim something he’s said before about the “good guys with guns” arguments defenders of the Second Amendment often use:

He repeated his claim during an interview Wednesday with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, who teed him up quite well for the response he gave:

“It’s hard to watch but it is proof that this myth perpetuated in the country for 30 years, that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is good guys with a gun, was a gun industry fiction created to sell more weapons,” says Murphy. “If one teenager with a high powered weapon is so scary as to prevent all of those highly trained adults from going in and saving lives, maybe we should try to stop those teenagers from having those kinds of guns in the first place, because clearly, we can never have enough good guys with guns.”


First, his argument seems to be a strawman. No one is arguing that the “only” way to stop bad guys with gun is a good guy with a gun. Their argument is that they’re the. best deterrentsTo bad guys with guns.

Secondly, imagine knowing all we know about the lack of timely response from Uvalde law enforcement officers and believing that makes your case against the “good guys with guns” argument. The “good guy with guns” scenario usually refers to civilians acting to protect in the absence of the police. Also, there are many other factors. observed, “Actually Chris what the Uvalde video shows is you can’t trust law enforcement to protect you from bad guys all the time. Sometimes you have to protect yourself.”

Remember, too, that civilians (including parents of some of the students) wanted to rush the school because police were holding back, but they weren’t allowed to do so (including an armed officer who wanted to go in to try and save his wife who had been shot and later died). The border patrol, who had guns and prevented more deaths and injuries from occurring, eventually took down the shooter.

Also, it’s not always a matter of not being able to “trust” law enforcement. Let’s say there’s a domestic violence situation where time is of the essence and you can’t wait for the cops to get there to you. If you or someone in your life cares, they must be capable of taking strong defense steps to protect their and/or your lives. There are countless documented instances of where the “good guy with a gun” (who didn’t happen to be a police officer) scenario played out, whether it be in a store, at someone’s home, at a church, in a parking lot, etc. There were many instances where people were saved by someone with a gun who quickly acted when there was danger to their lives or the safety of others.

But despite what happened in Uvalde, there are plenty of “good guy” Police officersPeople are safer when they respond quickly. An example is a recent case in which a mentally ill person attempted to gain entry into an elementary school using locked windows and doors. He wasn’t allowed to enter the school because the police stopped him from entering the lot after a fight.

Authorities said that a man tried to enter an elementary school in Alabama Thursday morning but was stopped by officers.

Gadsden City Schools Superintendent Tony Reddick said a “potential intruder” tried to enter Walnut Park Elementary School in Gadsden, Alabama, through multiple doors Thursday morning while several dozen children were on the campus for a summer literacy program and a Parks and Recreation summer camp. It is about 60 miles north of Birmingham.

Authorities didn’t immediately say whether the man was armed or why he might have been trying to get into the school.

He was unsuccessful at entering the school. Reddick claimed that the outside doors of the school were all locked. The principal called the school resource officer after realizing what was going on.


The suspect was fatally shot after resisting and trying to take the resource officer’s gun, according to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency statement, which did not say how many shots were fired or by whom.

Of course, “leaders” like Chris Murphy never mention these types of stories because they go entirely against their despicable gun-grabbing talking points about how the “good guy with a gun” argument is a “fiction created to sell more weapons.”

It’s absolute not a “fiction,” as survivors in situations where a good guy saved the day would attest.

Flashback: Rep. Eric Swalwell Takes Appalling Cheap Shot at “Good Guys With Guns” After Odessa Mass Shooting

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