S.E. Cupp Shrieks Over GOP Anti-Grooming Laws: They’re Big Government!

CNN Commentator S.E. is the best CNN journalist. Cupp has become a complete leftist. The following should clear up any doubts. On Monday night’s CNN Tonight S.E. Cupp went ballistic over Republican governors wanting to keep public school children safe from “LGBTQ” indoctrination and grooming from their teachers. 

Alisyn Camerota, host of The Talking Teacher, discussed the topic in the light the national teacher shortage. Suggesting that Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act and the teacher shortage are somehow linked. 



“In Florida, there are these two controversial bills. The Parental Rights Act is one of them. Critics call it the “don’t say gay” bill. There’s another that is called the, quote, Stop Woke Act,” Camerota whined. 

“Both bills are creating a culture of confusion among teachers who are nervous if they can be open to litigation by parents who somehow disagree with the curriculums,” she continued her wailing. “This is happening in the middle of what the labor bureau is calling a nationwide teacher shortage.” 

S.E. later in the segment. Cupp huffed how Arizona Republican gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake “literally wants to indoctrinate kids with the Trump approved curriculum from Hillsdale college in public schools.” 

According to Cupp, teaching five-year-olds about transgenderism isn’t indoctrination, but the liberal arts college Hillsdale teaching high schoolers about our founding documents without smearing them is indoctrination. 

Cupp continued to shriek over Republicans who want to prevent little children being sexually indoctrinated. 

Now they are really big government Republicans. It is almost as intrusive in your personal life as government. You children, school and education. All this is big government.  

When Camerota asked Cupp what she thought about DeSantis’s proposal to hire veterans as teachers. Cupp scoffed at the idea: “is he under the assumption that all veterans are Republican Trump lovers? Because I know tons that are not.”

She ended by howling that “the right has co-opted like the patriot porn” market for decades. 

This is supposed to be CNN’s version of a “Republican.” No thanks! They have zero ratings.

Bayer made this hilarious segment possible. You can link their information to let them know what programming you fund. 

You can click the “expand” button to see this section’s transcript. 

CNN Tonight
Eastern, 9:50:25 

ALISYN CAMEROTA: It’s back to school time and in Florida and really across the country many kids are returning to classrooms that are struggling to find teachers. There are two very controversial bills in Florida. The Parental Rights Act is also called this bill. However, critics refer to it as the “Don’t be gay” bill. There’s another that is called the, quote, Stop Woke Act. These bills create a confusion in teachers’ minds and make them nervous about being sued by parents who disagree with their curriculums. It is occurring in middle of what labor bureau calls a national teacher shortage.


S.E. S.E. I mean, literal indoctrination here, but it’s the left that’s woke. It’s just the worst. There will be horrible lawsuits. Then there will be the victimization of teachers. Which teaches kids to villainize teachers so that they’re no longer partners in your education, they are the enemy, that’s terrible. 

They are, as you said, already overstaffed and underfunded. It’s only getting worse. And lastly, transgender students are what I fear will not happen. These laws could potentially be used against anyone. Ron DeSantis told schools to disregard federal guidance which would help protect trans students against discrimination. It could cause real, dangerous and serious consequences. 


CUPP: These are now big government Republicans. It is almost as intrusive in your private life that government allows. You children, school and education. All this is big government. 

CAMEROTA: What about this idea? Ron DeSantis because they’re having teacher shortage, has suggested and is encouraging veterans to become teachers. 

A college degree is not required. You can get them a certificate. It’s interesting, because I think veterans are very valuable and have many things to share in the classroom. But without a degree in teaching, I’m not sure how that’s going to work. 


CUPP Are you also under the impression that all veterans support Donald Trump? But I’m sure there are many who aren’t. The right, as I said, has been coopted just like patriot porn for decades and even decades. In some instances, Democrats even gave it away to them. Trump aside, I’m sure there are many vets who feel neglected by the Republican Party. I think that this is not very well thought-out.

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