Brother of ‘Fallen 13’ Marine Loses Battle With Grief Just Ahead of One Year Anniversary of Disastrous Afghanistan Evacuation – Opinion

As Townhall’s Julio Rosas previously reported, the brother of one of the thirteen US Military members killed by a suicide bomber in the catastrophic military exit from Afghanistan one year ago, lost his battle with grief earlier this week. Dakota Halverson (28) died just days before the anniversary. He was found near Norco’s public memorial to Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikui (20), and 12 other military personnel KIA close to Kabul’s airport on August 26, 2021.

AP Photo/Wali Sabawoon

The brothers’ mother, Shana Chappell, posted last Tuesday, “This morning my son Dakota went to be with His brother Kareem.” Chappell also reported that she “didn’t see the signs,” posting hashtags about suicide awareness and prevention.

In a later post, Chappell said she didn’t want to make it political but blamed the loss of her son Dakota on the “ripple effect” of the disastrous military withdrawal.

Chappell has been critical of President Joe Biden in the past, saying her son’s military death “was due to Biden’s negligence, ignorance and him being a traitor.” Chappell faced social media censorship when her Instagram profile was deactivated and her Facebook account was reportedly “incorrectly deleted” after she wrote scathing criticisms, saying her “son’s blood was on Biden’s hands,” in the wake of the fatal attack at Kabul airport last year.

The Gold Star Mom’s social media posts went viral last year when she berated the President for his behaviors during her son, Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui’s memorial services, saying that he spoke about his deceased son, “Beau” Biden more than her fallen Marine and that Biden rolled his eyes in annoyance when addressed by Chappell.

Chappell has collected $41,000 through GoFundMe donations for Dakota’s funeral. She will also be interred next to her younger brother.

Dakota Halverson was an affectionate brother, son and friend. It was too hard to lose his brother almost one year ago. He would appreciate any donations to help with his funeral and service. Kareem was shot to death while serving his country in August 2021. My family and I would like to respect his wishes.

Other 12 were killed in Kabul’s attack on the airport.

  • Staff Sgt. Staff Sgt. Darin T.Hoover, 31 from Salt Lake City (Utah).
  • Sgt. Johanny Rosariopichardo 25, Lawrence, Massachusetts
  • Sgt. Nicole L. Gee is 23, from Sacramento, California
  • Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22 years old, Indio (California).
  • Cpl. Cpl.
  • Cpl. Humberto Sanchez 22 years old, Logansport (Indiana)
  • Marine Corps Lance Corporal. David L. Espinoza (20), Rio Bravo (Texas)
  • Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz (20), St. Charles Missouri
  • Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum (20), Jackson, Wyoming
  • Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola (20), Rancho Cucamonga (California)
  • Navy Hospitalman Maxton W. Soviak 22, Berlin Heights (Ohio),
  • Army Staff Sergeant. Ryan C. Knauss is 23, Corryton (Tennessee).

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