Beto O’Rourke continues to show he’s not your grandparents’ political candidate.
He wore the most curseful words at an audience member while promoting Texas Governor at Mineral Wells’ town hall on Wednesday.
Amid talk of Uvalde’s terrible mass shooting, a viral video shows the erstwhile famed parking lot skateboarder go to war with a favorite enemy: America’s best-selling hunting rifle.
The tragic loss of lives at Robb Elementary School was the first thing he mentioned. From there, he appeared to guarantee such a tragedy will never again occur once he wipes out one weapon that’s long, aluminum, easily-accessorized and spookily-shaped:
“I’m going to make sure that, now 11 weeks since we lost 19 kids and their two teachers — shot to death with a weapon originally designed for use in combat, legally purchased by an 18-year-old who did not try to obtain one when he was 16 or 17 but followed the law that’s on the books, ladies and gentleman, that says that you can buy not one, you can buy two or more if you want to, AR-15s, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and take that weapon that was originally designed for use on the battlefields in Vietnam to penetrate an enemy soldier’s helmet at 500 feet and knock him down dead, up against kids at five feet.”
Perhaps Beto, like many politicians, should adopt the campaign slogan “I know nothing about guns, and I refuse to change that.”
As you’re likely aware, all guns are, at their core, a simple thing: a tube enclosed on one end, with an explosion that forces a projectile out of the opening. Get in the way of that projectile, and it’ll be a very bad day.
Yet, Democrat politicians continue to address the AR-15 as if it’s cornered the market on lethality. It does, of course, possess traits not found in handguns: Being larger, it’s more resistant to felt recoil. Being longer, it’s easier to accurately aim. It’s also better at farther distances: The platform uses a round similar in diameter to that of 1884’s .22 Long Rifle, but with more gun powder behind it. This is why the bullet travels faster.
However, if someone were to point an old-school .45 ACP revolver toward you at close range — and you had even the most basic understanding of firearms — you wouldn’t likely sigh with relief that it wasn’t an AR.
Of course, there are other guns that can put larger holes in targets. People generally don’t hunt large game with an AR-15. For that, you’d want something like this substantially less wicked-looking death machine:
Rigby Big Game Rifle
— RightsDefender (@SecAmWorcTea) November 2, 2015
Moreover, before June 12th of 2016, the worst mass shooting in America — with a death toll of 32 — had been solely carried out with two pistols: a 9mm Glock 19 and a Walther .22.
Experts believe that the key to non-violent utopia is not ARs.
Many people attach chainsaws to their homes (see the 36 second mark).
Here’s a look at the gun that was used in the Texas shooting of a church.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) November 8, 2017
Back to Beto, he decried the AR’s lethality at a distance of five feet. Every gun available on the market today can take a life.
Secondly, what Beto seemed to suggest isn’t true: The AR-15 — a civilian firearm — has never been issued by the U.S. military.
But what punctuated the town hall was the candidate’s response to something reported as a “laugh” in the crowd. To that, he replied, “It may be funny to you, mother***er, but it’s not funny to me.”
Will he get points for being so edgy as to inject extreme vulgarity into America’s political arena? He’s not the first Democrat to do so, but he looks to link language with being tough and in touch — hence, his previous comment that you can “f*** with [him] on politics” and his “Hell Yes, We’re Going to Take Your AR-15” T-shirt campaign.
Regardless, it might be a bit ironic that a man who’s spent so much time battling a gun in the name of peace appears determined to war against the civility of the political sphere. After all, as we’ve been told, words are violence.
Despite this, the man has gun-savvy friends. And that’s not likely to change:
Here is the thing… I don’t think you could even eat the meat of an animal killed with a semi automatic weapon. The meat would be so full shrapnel. #Beto2020 #nomorefear
— TexasMomsforwhatisright! (@texlynnforever) September 14, 2019
You can find more of my content here:
Disney Casts Drag Queen as Superhero in Its New Series
University of Nevada Launches ‘LGBTQ Studies’ Minor — From the Dept. For Gender and Race.
The Seconds Count: NPR’s Gun-Averse Opinion Will Not Understand Why You Need a Firearm
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