On Morning Joe, BBC’s Katty Kay Kvetches: Why Hasn’t US Banned Guns, Like UK?

Monday, Morning JoeKatty Kay, BBC reporter, was perplexed by the fact that guns are not banned in the USA, as opposed to the UK. 

It is very difficult.For allies and friends of America, for people who are as passionate about this country, for those who have lived in America for a very long time, To defend the country right nowWhen every morning there’s another mass shooting, it is a very alarming sight. 

“And Every day we are asked the same question. What is the situation in this country? This is why they can’t fix it.You know what happened in the UK? Joe. After a massacre, it was the conservative government who solved America’s firearm problem. They also banned assault weapons. They banned handguns in 1990s following a single school shooting. That was all that it took to ban handguns in Dunblane (Scotland) and the United Kingdom.

Katty, the Second Amendment: Ring a Bell!  

Kay made the complaint after Joe Scarborough, one of his UK conservative friends, told him how he was being criticized by them.“You Americans and Your Guns!”

The UK or anywhere else in Europe does not have a Second Amendment. Scarborough, Kay and co. want to ban handguns. Let them, and the Democrat Party they represent openly support repealing Amendment 2. We will see how it turns out. 

And Katty, since you find it “very hard to defend this country” because of our failure to ban guns, please know that from JFK alone, there are 22 daily non-stop flights to London. You can choose one.

On Morning Joe, the BBC’s Katty Kay kvetching that the US hasn’t banned handguns as the UK has was sponsored in part by Abbott, maker of Ensure, Johnson & Johnson, maker of Neutrogena, Kayak, Clear Choice, and DirecTV.

The transcript is here.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe
6:06 am EDT


MIKA BRZEZINSKI : Today is day 157 of the year. So far, there have been at most 246 mass shooters. It’s an average number of 11 shootings per week. Joe, that’s a normal American life.

JOE SCARBOROUGH says yes. Katty Kay, it’s again. It’s true. While I would love to discuss the Queen’s Jubilee I am not sure that I have enough time. Every time I have the opportunity to talk with good friends from BritainTories, Conservative Friends from Britain. These people share many of the same views that I have on Western civilization and politics. They’ll look at me and always have and will say to me: “You Americans and your guns!” What’s wrong?” 

It’s striking to see the difference between Great Britain (USA) and Great Britain given our shared so many things. It’s only in one particular area that the differences are shocking.

KATTY KAY : Yes. This is what I meant. It is very difficult for friends and allies of America to defend this country.In the present moment, every morning we get up to another mass shooting. 

Und Every day we are asked: What is the situation in this country? This is why they can’t fix it. You know what happened in the UK? Joe.The conservative government solved the United Kingdom’s gun problems.After a massacre, they banned assault weapons in 1980. They also banned assault weapons. After one shooting at a school, handguns were banned in the 1990s. That was all that was needed to ban handguns in Dunblain (Scotland) and the United Kingdom. This country now has the lowest gun death rate in westernized nations. 

That was because it was done by a Conservative government. America stands out in this regard as an exceptional exception. America has an exceptional problem. This is America’s unique problem. Its relation with guns, the amount of guns in the country, as well as the apparent tolerance for the many people who are killed in gun violence in the country. It is something that no other Western nation tolerates.


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