Obama Judge Has Hissy Fit Over Florida’s Election Law – Opinion

The Florida legislature approved a significant overhaul to state election laws in May 2021. The law’s goals were to make elections more transparent and trustworthy while outlawing known abuses of the system, particularly those abuses that came into being based on the whim of unelected officials and judges to allegedly allow the system to cope with an election during a pandemic.

These bullet points describe the Florida law.

  • SB-90 allows voters to request to vote by mail instead of in person. The process for requesting a vote-by-mail ballot is currently being changed.
  • A vote-by mail application can be submitted by voters. The mass mailing of ballots was banned. All requests for ballots have to be accompanied by a Florida driver’s license number, ID number, or the last four digits of the applicant’s social security number.
  • To ensure that all voters have equal access to drop boxes, they must be placed outside of the permanent election office. Only early voting is allowed. They must be monitored by staff from the election supervisor’s office. The Dropbox location must be made public at least 30 days before the election. They cannot be modified after that time. All boxes must be cleared out by the closing of every day’s voting.
  • A box will be checked by convict felons indicating that their voting rights are restored.
  • A secure website must be created and maintained by the state for online voter registration. This provision also includes risk management guidelines.
  • All voting devices and networks must be checked for potential vulnerabilities.
  • The public must have access to real-time data on voter turnout.
  • Florida DMV must cooperate with the Florida Secretary of State’s office in tracking voter address changes.
  • While they may not personally collect or distribute voter registration applications, third-party voter registry organizations need to register with the state.
  • Third-party groups must return applications collected from them to the county in which they were received within fourteen days. The groups must inform voters that they are a third-party organization, and they can’t guarantee that the applications will be delivered on time. An organization that fails to deliver an application within the deadline period will be required by the voter to inform them how they can register online. The organization could face a $50 fine for each late application.
  • Increased distances are required for electoral work from 100 to 150 feet
  • Anyone who wants to assist a voter in the polling place has to submit a “Declaration to Provide Assistance” in advance and must swear they are not engaged in electioneering and that they are neither the employer of the voter nor an agent of that employer.
  • Contrary to many statements, you can provide water, etc., to voters in line; you just can’t talk to them about voting.
  • The elections supervisor will issue a badge to poll watchers.
  • All forms and ballots must be kept for 22 months.
  • All “duplicate” ballots created to replace damaged vote-by-mail ballots must be made in an open room with witnesses. Overvotes or undervotes that can’t be “corrected.” The accuracy of “duplicate” ballots can be challenged by observers resulting in the ballot being voted on by the canvassing board.
  • Candidats must have been registered as members for at least one year of the party they are seeking to nominate.
  • Candidats who register as independents cannot have been party members for at least one year.
  • Public inspection of voter certificates on envelopes is required.
  • Before they can be counted, parties, candidates, as well as political action committees have the right to inspect all voter documents and envelopes.
  • It must be possible to compare voter signatures and have them available for review.
  • Election boards cannot accept private donations of goods or money to help fund an election.
  • Ten days prior to the date that any consent decrees or settlements are due, written notice must be given to state officials.
  • It is a positive obligation on the part of officials to protect state elections laws.

Florida SB-90 Election Law … by streiff

All in all, it is a valiant effort that regularizes processes across the state, prevents ballot harvesting, opens up closed backrooms to observers, and demolishes the whole “sue and settle” industry used by the left to get rid of laws that reign in fraud.

It must be stopped.

The League of Women Voters sued Florida Secretary of State. This is just another of the many plagues that the 19th Amendment has inflicted on our nation. This case was brought before the Chief U.S. District Court Judge Mark Walker of Northern District of Florida. Walker is an Obama Judge.

If you recall, back in November 2018, Chief Justice John Roberts got a case of the vapors when President Trump referred to a judge who struck down an asylum policy of his administration as an “Obama judge.”

“We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges. We have an exceptional group of judges who are dedicated and do their best to ensure that everyone is treated equally before them. That independent judiciary is somethng we should be thankful for.”

Trump’s MeanTweet™ was much more reality-based than Roberts’ whining.

Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have ‘Obama judges,’ and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country. It would be great if the 9th Circuit was indeed an ‘independent judiciary’

Judge Walker did exactly what he promised.

The 288-page blistering decision by Chief U.S. Circuit Judge Mark Walker ruled that voter restrictions were unlawful and discriminatory. These restrictions included limits on mail-in ballot drop boxes, on giving materials to voters in the line, and on new voter registration requirements.

“At some point, when the Florida Legislature passes law after law disproportionately burdening Black voters, this court can no longer accept that the effect is incidental,” Walker wrote. “Based on the indisputable pattern set out above, this court finds that, in the past 20 years, Florida has repeatedly sought to make voting tougher for Black voters because of their propensity to favor Democratic candidates. In summation, Florida has a horrendous history of racial discrimination in voting.”

The judge’s decision placed a permanent injunction on several parts of the new law, such as restrictions on when drop boxes could be used by local election officials. As part of the order, the judge also put in a preclearance requirement if legislators want to change laws regarding voter registration organizations, drop boxes or so called “line warming” activities with voters waiting to cast ballots at the polls.

By “preclearance requirement,” this loony judge declared that if the legislature of Florida wanted to change parts of election law for the next ten years, they had to beg the leave of their black-robed master to do so.

Walker was able to use Florida law as an instrument for attacking Supreme Court doctrine. Walker states that the Supreme Court is a traitor to the Constitution by allowing legislatures to create laws.

Even if fleeting, Judge Walker’s decision represents one of the most aggressive legal broadsides against Republicans in the heated voting rights battles that have followed President Donald J. Trump’s defeat in the 2020 election. It also came as Democrats and allies continue a legal battle, using federal voting protections reduced by the Supreme Court.

Judge Walker criticized previous Supreme Court decisions on voting issues in his ruling and challenged the justices to reverse his decision.

“Without explaining itself, the court has allowed its wholly judge-made prudential rule to trump some of our most precious constitutional rights,” the judge wrote.

Governor Ron DeSantis stated that the state will appeal to the Eleventh Circuit. It is almost certain that Judge Walker will overturn the ruling, as he is venting his frustration at his diminished role in the decision of the fates of elections.

As we approach the midterms and the primary season, it is important to be ready for the kind of childish behavior that Biden and Obama will display. Many states have updated their laws to avoid the same kind of fraud that marred our last federal election. The Democrats and their enforcers in the judiciary don’t like it, and they aren’t going to go away without a fight.

Lee vs League of Women Voters, by streiff


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