Nets Praise Murphy Dropping Mask Mandates, Wailed When Youngkin Did

Reporting on Monday’s big news that Phil Murphy, Democrat of New Jersey was planning to end his state’s school mask mandate, leftist night news stations supported Murphy’s decision. This is despite two weeks of wailing over Republican Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin doing exactly the same thing. As the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh said on his podcast last week, the left doesn’t have double standards, they have one standard: it’s only good when they do it. 

ABC’s World News TonightErielle Reshef, correspondent for Governor Murphy’s announcement eagerly reported on the’s Report’ “As Covid cases fall in almost all 50 US states, Americans are more likely to have school mask mandates removed.” Reshef continued “New Jersey was once the epicenter of Covid and had some of most stringent mandates. The Governor announced today that masks would no longer be needed in schools beginning one month after this announcement. “The Governor left it up for school districts and to create their own rules.” 

In an effort to make Murphy’s hypocrisy more visible, the pair aired a clip by Doctor Ashish Jha. I thought it was a wise decision. Because of the declining infection rate, I believe it is reasonable to reduce these mandates. 



CBS has more Evening NewsAnchor Norah Ol’Donnell breathelessly reported that there was “The pandemic’s first glimpse at hope after it has passed.What was her rationale? It is the fact thatThree northeast states, once epicenters of the omicron surge’s occurrence, announced that they would end Covid mandates.These three states include New Jersey, Deleware and Connecticut. They are all heavily Democrat with Democrat Governors. O’Donnell can live with that.   

On January 24, CBS reporter Meg Oliver, a CBS correspondent, hyped up lawsuits filed against Governor Youngkin because he lifted the requirement for public school pupils to wear masks. 

The executive order was blocked by seven county school boards. This lawsuit is filed by more than 350,000 Virginia students. It argues that Virginia’s constitution allows local school boards to adopt policies protecting the well-being and health of staff and students.

The same evening on NBC Nightly NewsLester Holt, anchor opened segment hyperventilating. “The explosive Virginia situation overrides public school requirements” Catie Beck (correspondent) complained in the same segment thatGlenn Youngkin, the newly elected governor of Virginia, has issued an executive order that allows parents to choose whether or not their child should be wearing a mask to school.This was “Replace the existing statewide mandate.” 

Beck also praised the fact that many districts refused to recognize Beck’s claim. Students must comply with orders and continue to wear masks.And that “Seven of them are now taking Youngkin before the court to challenge an unconstitutional order.” 

Recall that it is good for a Democrat Governor to seek to remove mask mandates but not so bad for a Republican Governor to do the exact same. Chris Plante (a legendary conservative talk-radio host) said, “If it weren’t to have double standards the liberal media wouldn’t have any standards.” 

This is an example of hypocrisy in liberal media by CarFax on ABC, Fisher Investments on CBS, and T-Mobile on NBC. This link will take you to their contact information so that they can inform you about biased news funds. 

To read the transcripts of each segment click “expand”:

ABC’s World News Tonight
6.33.47 pm

ERIELLE RESHEF: As new Covid cases fall in almost all 50 US states, Americans will be more ready to have school mask regulations lifted.

UNIDENTIFIED STUDENT (UNIDENTIFIED STUDENT): I am very happy. The mask doesn’t make it easier for me to see and breathe. I find school much more enjoyable without it.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN – I believe they should be still wearing masks. I don’t think it is that important. It is something that has worked.

ERIELLE RESHEF: New Jersey was once the epicenter of Covid and had some of most strict mandates. Today, it announced that masks would no longer be needed in public schools beginning one month after today. The Governor left it up to each school district to set their own rules.

GOVERNOR PHIL MURPHY – Perhaps the most important thing is that this represents a major step back for our children to return to normalcy.

DOCTOR JHA: That was my opinion. Because infection rates are declining, it seems reasonable to reduce those mandates.

CBS Evening News 
6.32.05 PM

NORAH O’DONNELL: Tonight, the first glimmer of hope in what could be life after the pandemic. Three northeastern states, which was the epicenter for the omicron surge in the 1990s, announced plans to repeal strict Covid mask requirements. As cases are continuing to decline nationally, the Governors of New Jersey and Delaware announced that they would end all in-school mask mandates in their respective states. Johns Hopkins reports that yesterday’s cases are now down by more than 95% from January 10, when they were at nearly 1.4million. As the White House reiterated today its recommendation for universal school mask wearing, more states may follow. 

NBC Nightly News
7.15.30 pm

LESTER HOLTS: Now let’s go back to the pandemic. Virginia’s explosive situation over public school requirements.Today, seven school districts sued the Governor over an order to make them mandatory. Catie Beck tells that story tonight.


CATIE BEECK: The new Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin’s executive orders allowing parents the freedom to determine whether their child should use a face mask at school is in effect as of Monday. It reverses the previous statewide directive.


7.16.28 pm

BECK: Some districts celebrate the change, but others are against it. They claim it poses a serious threat to children’s safety and health. Many districts refused to follow the order, and required students to wear masks. Youngkin’s order is being challenged by 7 of them.

CBS Evening News
6.38.43 pm

MEGOLIVER: Seven county school boards filed suit against Governor Youngkin in an attempt to block his executive order. More than 350,000 students from Virginia are represented in the lawsuit. They claim that Virginia’s constitution grants local school boards authority to adopt policies that promote health and wellbeing of staff and students. A state law requires school systems to adhere to C.D.C. is also mentioned. The guidelines for health recommend universal masking at schools, regardless of vaccine status. 

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