On Saturday morning, MSNBC host Zerlina Maxwell interviewed 20-year-old radical leftist Jamie Margolin, “founder of the youth-led climate activist group Zero Hour.” The rabble-rouser went straight for the panic button, saying recent Supreme Court decisions on abortion and climate are a “judicial coup” and a “clear descent into fascism.”
Maxwell explained that the Supreme Court had a setback for Team Biden’s ambitious climate agenda, and that it was “a big deal”. She brought on Margolin and highlighted her Greta Thunberg-style tweet: “You tweeted the Supreme Court is a deadly threat to our earth and all life on it.”
MARGOLIN : I have to agree with Congresswoman AOC, and many other people who said the same thing. This is a coup d’état At this point. With the Roe v. Wade decisions, the judicial branch has completely overstepped their boundaries and is ignoring the wishes of majority people. And they’re just overturning, overturning, taking away basic rights and progress to the point where it’s like, this is — this is a clear descent into fascism if we don’t take serious action, and I don’t say that lightly.
It is a subject I have been studying a lot. I grew up, I mean my grandpa was a World War II veteran, on my dad’s side we’re Jewish, and I grew up learning a lot about Nazi Germany and other fascist regimes and things like that because of how the people in my family have lived through and seen and studied history so well. It can happen anywhere. Everyone is like “Oh, but not us”. Never Us The United States. We are already witnessing. This fundamentalist coup is essentially a coup It takes away our basic rights of control over our bodies, body autonomy and health care.
People are dying because of this pro-life Supreme Court. These decisions are causing people to die. Not just because of the Roe v. Wade overturning, but because of the ruling against gun control, because of a ruling against – I mean, Is it possible to rule against something that is called clean air? That’s gonna kill people! Millions of people are affected by air pollution, and the other toxins, pollutants and diseases that they cause. They are the blood of pro-lifers.
Maxwell regarded this answer as completely sane and complained that it is being used as a defeat for the Biden administration or the Left. However, this should not be considered “political” but “scientific.” Margolin’s second response continued to attack “fascist fundamentalist Fearmongering”, even though she was actually spreading the fearmongering. [Hat tip: Grabien]
PS. The New York Times has recognized Margolin’s youth radicalism.
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