MSNBC Panel: Biden An ‘Albatross’ Around Democrat Necks In the Midterms!

The screencap shows Tiffany Cross sipping on a champagne New Year’s cocktail while she was hosting her MSNBC program this morning. It might have been a good idea to use it to drink Prozac. Perhaps two.

Because the news she was getting from her panel about the 2022 elections was decidedly depressing for liberals like her: Joe Biden is dragging down Democrat candidates across the country. A panelist considered Biden to be an “albatross” for Democrats.

Cross begged Fernand Amandi, an MSNBC analyst and political consultant, for hope that Raphael Warnock and Val Demings could win their respective senatorial races in Georgia and Florida. Cross received the terrible news from Amandi: both are in deep trouble. The main reason they, and all Dem candidates, are in trouble is:

“The performance of President Biden directly ties the Democrats to the majority.At the national level [and] Now, President Biden’s approval ratings are at some of their lowest levels It was at his presidency.

Stephanie Brown James was co-founder, an organization that promotes black candidates. 

It is hard when the Biden administration struggles in so many areas of the country.

Jason Johnson, a MSNBC contributor, portrayed the catastrophe for Dems as Biden even more starkly. Johnson asked Brown James about what Biden should do.

“To make his number so that it isn’t just of a stumbling block for Democrats running in the fall?

Coleridge could call it The Rime of the Ancient Biden.

Notes: Amandi reiterated an old liberal favorite: Republicans winning majorities in Congress would “be a very difficult situation to our democracy.”Is scaremongering a big deal? It’s a scary thing. Stephanie Brown James suggested that Biden focus his efforts on criminal justice reform to increase his polling numbers.  Go for it, Joe! Support defunding the police and eliminating cash bail—could get your approval ratings right down there in single digits!

The panel on Tiffany Cross’s MSNBC panel saying that Biden is dragging down Democrat candidates across the country, and is a potential “albatross” around their necks was sponsored in part by Kraft and Nugenix.

Cross Connection
11:15 am ET 

TIFFANY CROOSS: Officially, 2022 is here. That means the midterm elections are in full swing, and there are no chances for the Democrats to retain their majority on Capitol Hill.

Fernand, I have an amazing question for you, friend. Herschel Walker is running neck-and–neck with Raphael Warnock. I need to know if there’s a way for this man to stop Raphael Warnock from being kicked out of the Senate.

FERNAND AMANANDI: Yes, Tiffany, I do not want to go into 2022 with a sense of doom, but it is very hard.These states, and all these races, are happening across the country, as I mentioned. Where?For the Democrats, the ability to win the majority depends on the performance of President Biden at national level. All three of these races are now nationalized 

The reason it seems close in Georgia is that it also appears close in Arizona.The President Biden’s approval ratings are now at their lowest point since his time as president. If he fails to improve his approval rating, and starts to convince Americans of the great work done by the Biden Administration, which has been transformational, then it will be extremely difficult to retain the Congress. That presents an extremely difficult situation for our democracy.

STEPHANIE BLACK JAMES: You know what, I am in agreement with Fernando [sic.] When the Biden administration is in trouble in so many places of the country, it can be difficult.They are being able talk and relate to each other about their successes. 

CROSS: You know that there is no current black woman in the Senate. This brings me to Fernand. My friend, you’re here in Florida. Given all that’s happening right now in Florida, tell me that Congresswoman Val Demings will be Senator Val Demings. Are her odds of winning?

AMANDI: Well, Tiffany, Never lie to viewers or you.As much as she would be my personal favorite to lose, Marco Rubio is currently the most disregarded and perhaps the worst senator in Marco Rubio’s Senate. She’s likely to face a lot of difficultiesFlorida might now be called MAGA State. 

JASON JOHNSON : Stephanie, now you are in Ohio. Some Democrats say that the state has been abandoned. It’s said to be red. The color used to be purple. It’s a theoretical sit down with Joe Biden. You think there are two things he should do by June 2022 to increase his number so he’s not in the red.a stumbling block on the necks of Democrats running for office in this fall’s elections?

BROWN JAMES: There are two. One of them is political, which I find really important. When it comes to voting rights, we have to work hard. This bill must be passed. When it comes to reforming criminal justice, we need to work. 

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