The left is more tolerant TrumpThis is insane.
Retired Gen. Steven M. Anderson waxed poetic during an appearance on CNN on Saturday, blasting Trump supporters in the U.S. military as “a threat from within.” It gets far crazier — read on.
During a segment with CNN’s Pamela Brown about 2024, Anderson blasted Donald Trump supporters in the military and advised that they stop listening to MyPillow founder and CEO Mike Lindell about the results of the 2020 presidential election. Mediaite transcribed:
There’s a threat within. [There is: the rabid left who is hellbent to destroy America as we know it] We’ve got some people that just haven’t been educated. [There it is, again: leftist elitist condescension.]
They haven’t been found out, and they’ve grown in power, through perhaps inaction on the parts of some of our key leaders. [Delusional, much?]
We can now identify these people and get them out of our ranks. Then, we can train the rest on civics 101 about how the country works, elections, and how it should work.[Cool. We can call it “The Great Purge or the Great Terror 2.0.”]
Stop listening to the pillow guy and start learning about our country and how it’s actually supposed to run.
Personally, I think Lindell has a couple of screws loose and his pillows are lumpy, but that’s neither here nor there. Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome, which is a form of Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome on the right side, is alive and well. All signs are pointing to Trump’s candidacy in 2024.
Anderson was thrown big softballs by Brown down the middle.
We need you to quickly describe your concerns about the partisan split and its potential impact on the chain of command. Also, why this is so important for you as a means of stopping another coup attempt possibly in 2024. [Another coup attempt? When was the first one?]
Partisan divide? Which party caused it? Biden got about the business of further dividing America on Day One of his occupation of the White House, signing executive order after executive order shoved in front of him by his handlers — and he hasn’t stopped since.
Anderson made a fool of himself.
We swore an Oath to the Constitution. That’s how our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines need to act.
[Can Anderson point to once incident of significance in which members of American servicemembers failed to support the U.S. Constitution? Of course not.]
And you know we’re concerned that there’s so much activity within the military that shows that people are ignorant of what our Constitution is really all about, [Hell, Anderson sounds like Biden talking about Black people] and they have responded to people like Trump, and when he tells them to jump, they’re probably willing to do that.
It is clear that Trump supporters have the highest loyalty in recent history. It is undeniable. But the real question is: Why? Trump may have had the courage to put America first? To enforce U.S. immigration law? To resist China, Kim Jong Un, and mad Mullahs of Tehran To Keep the oil moving.
If the loons on the left want to call that “jumping when Trump tells them to jump,” so be it. It doesn’t make any difference, to paraphrase Hillary. The Democrat Party started scheming about how to get Trump out of the White House before he was even inaugurated, and they didn’t stop for four years.
Um, general? So, you’re worried about a threat to national security from within the U.S. military? You might want to take a look at these RedState articles before you get in touch with us.
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