Ms. Sarah Palin Looks to Go to Washington Again, and the Long Knives Are Drawn – Opinion

If nothing else, it is exciting to see Leftist legacy media take on PDS. Political powerhouse, cultural icon and former 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has decided to return to the fray, running for Congress to fill the deceased Don Young’s seat.

The Latest:

Sarah Palin, the Alaskan original who made Momma Grizzly Bears a political term of art as governor and then as the GOP’s first female vice presidential candidate, is officially making a political comeback.

Palin (58) announced Friday night that she would run for Alaska’s open House seat left vacant by longtime Rep. Don Young.

This writer is wrong. Palin might have decided not to remain in the forefront, but she never quit the political scene. Sarah Palin, a cultural icon, is an active political force.

A writer at The New Republic, not exactly a bastion of right-leaning sentiment, wrote in 2010 this hat tip to the “genius” of Palin and her political moves.

Sarah Palin can be found everywhere, as most mystery-loving women. On any given evening, you might see the former Alaska governor-turned-conservative-icon on Fox News, chatting up like-minded travelers about the political buzz du jour.

She often appears in opinion pages, supporting McCain and bashing environmentalists. Her favorite candidates are often on her campaign trail. She’s a passionate and prolific tweeter. Her Facebook page overflows with thoughts on global events both past (DDay, Reagan’s Brandenburg Gate speech) and present (Israel, border security, the need to drill, baby, drill); news of upcoming appearances (a rally at the Lincoln Memorial with Glenn Beck, a possible U.K. jaunt to meet Margaret Thatcher); the latest media atrocities committed against her; and her rolling endorsements of “commonsense conservative” candidates who tickle her fancy. And, any day now, filming is scheduled to start on the docu-travelogue series in which Palin will “bring the wonder and majesty of Alaska” to TLC viewers.


Palin is able to keep her attention in spite of all the media coverage. She rarely sits down with non-conservative interviewers and eschews mix-’em-up formats pitting her viewpoint against that of a more liberal counterpart. It is even more fascinating that she has a cautious approach to her interactions with other Republicans. One of her Facebook endorsements in this election cycle was based on telephone outreach to the candidate, or for the lucky few, joint appearances.

These endorsements are worth a lot. In 2016, they were given to Donald J. Trump. Numerous other candidates who she supported went on to win the races they were running for.

Despite being “outside” of public office for 12 years, what Palin has managed to maintain is her charisma and magnetic draw. Legacy and alternative media has lapped up any appearance by Palin after she resigned from the Alaska governor’s office in 2009, along with any news about her children (and there has been much). Palin, a fellow lightning rod AOC, has been taking on culture wars around the trans agenda and taken to task her absurd comments. Palin is always open to being invited back into national conversations.

Love her or hate her, she’s never left.

Palin’s grassroots credibility, along with her unwavering love of Alaska and America has been a constant.

“Public service is a calling, and I would be honored to represent the men and women of Alaska in Congress, just as Rep. Young did for 49 years,” Palin said in her announcement. “I realize that I have very big shoes to fill, and I plan to honor Rep. Young’s legacy by offering myself up in the name of service to the state he loved and fought for, because I share that passion for Alaska and the United States of America.

“America is at a tipping point. As I’ve watched the far left destroy the country, I knew I had to step up and join the fight,” she added. “The people of the great State of Alaska, like others all over the country, are struggling with out-of-control inflation, empty shelves, and gas prices that are among the highest in the world. We need energy security for this country, and Alaska can help provide that – but only if the federal government gets out of the way and lets the free market do what it does best.”

It’s her time again, and it may well be the right time. Palin hinted that she might run again for office in the past several years. RedState reported on these hints here. The New York TimesDefamation suits are over, she’s no longer encumbered by a husband and has no young children. Palin’s last child Trig is now 13; Track, Bristol, Piper, and Willow are now adults with families of their own.

In the June 11 special primary election, Palin will face a 50-strong field. Four of the four top candidates will move on to the special election scheduled for August 16. The winner will be determined using Ranked Choice Voting, which is in accordance to a new 2020 voting system.

Because of Palin’s name recognition and notoriety, she will undoubtedly cut through the noise that could bury the other candidates. And what hasn’t Palin gone through that has not yet been covered, misconstrued, or speculated upon? What opposition research and ridiculous tropes haven’t been pulled out?

It is politics so it’s possible that there are more. If headlines announcing that she is running for Congress are anything to go by, it seems like the long knives may be being drawn.

From Sacramento, Calif’s ABC10.

This is a gem of a headline NewsweekThe Controversial Ex-V.P. Sarah Palin is running for Congress.

Palin is a good observer of politics and has managed to remain relevant and liked by her base. Unlike Hillary Clinton, who whenever she inserts herself (and that’s never) engenders the response: “You, Please try again?!”

The following are the TNRPalin’s ingress and exit to the national stage from pivotal points has been so aptly evaluated 12 years ago. This could be where Palin is able to become a part of the national conversation.

Let’s hope so. Is Donald J. Trump going to endorse her?


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