Liz Cheney’s Concession Speech Shows Just How Deep Her Delusions Are – Opinion

Harriet Hageman, a Republican from Wyoming has defeated Rep. Liz Cheney. The Decision Desk could call it in 27 minutes after the polls closed.

Here’s what Dave Wasserman of Cook Political Report is saying about his predictions for the final numbers. He’s thinking it indeed might be between 30-35 points, which is even more than the polling numbers.

That truly says something about the anger in Wyoming at how Cheney abandoned them — not caring what they thought or what they wanted in her obsession over her hatred of Donald Trump. Harriet Hageman, meanwhile, spoke to the state regarding their individual needs. That’s the bottom line right there.

Cheney had been clueless all through her campaign. It was only natural that she would repeat that same cluelessness in her last concession speech. Even comparing herself to Abraham Lincoln. She did.

But she wasn’t finished yet. Ulysses Grant was her comparison. It’s funny, sad, and absurd all in one.

Did she announce that she would be running for the presidency in 2024, following all of that prologue? As it was suggested, did she actually make any statements regarding her plans? Nope. She was just stroking herself in self-importance and delusion. That’s what happens when you live in Virginia and in a liberal media/Twitter bubble. It seems that she believes the liberal media’s stroking is equivalent to real life. Harriet Hageman, Wyomingans who really are from Wyoming, showed Harriet what it was.

Now, I’m sure that she will get offers to be on CNN, MSNBC, or The View. That would seem to be her next move — to be with those to whom she’s now attached herself.

There’s no doubt that the folks in Wyoming are celebrating that they may now get a representative who can see them and not just her obsessions. This is also a huge victory for President Donald Trump and there’s celebrating in Trump land tonight.

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