Fox News on Tuesday reported that Terrance John cox, a former California Democrat Congressman, was charged by a Federal Grand Jury with numerous financial crimes. These included wire fraud and laundering. Yet, even though the The Neue York TimesReporting this story, the three news stations on evening television ignored it.
The three leftist networks spent valuable time on fearmongering about climate change, droughts in midwest and a shark attack near the Florida Keys, instead of covering the case of ex-Democratic Congressman Cox.
Based on The New York Times, Cox is “charged with 28 counts, including wire fraud, money laundering and making a campaign contribution under the name of another person, according to a criminal complaint that a federal judge unsealed on Tuesday.”
Cox had diverted $25,000 in contributions to his 2018 congressional campaign to “fund and reimburse family members and associates for donations to his campaign,” according to the U.S. attorney’s office for the Eastern District of California.
Cox was detained Tuesday morning. Cox, if convicted would be subject to millions of dollars in fines as well as 20 to 30 years prison.
If you consider how long was spent reporting on the FBI seizing Scott Perry’s cell phone (PA-10), then it would seem that this would have been a larger story or get at least a short mention on newscasts.
But Cox is a Democrat and Perry is a Republican so the media is happy to ignore Cox’s arrest and hype the FBI seizing Perry’s cellphone.
This shocking instance of bias by omission on the part of three leftist broadcast stations was possible thanks to VerizonABC News You can be sureCBS: AllstateNBC. You can link their information to let them know what biased news they are funding.
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