Lady Glues Herself to the Court During an NBA Game, Because That’s How You Save Chickens – Opinion

NBA fans recently received a special treat: an animal rights revolution.

Or at the least an attempt.

Personally, I don’t understand the majority of protests. Most cases show a large gap between what activists are doing and what change they wish to effect.

The following cases are examples:

How to Save the Planet? Climate activists Glue themselves to the Parliament during the Brexit Debate. Naked.


‘Cause it’s the Best Way to Convince People: Ahead of the Dem Debate, Climate Change Radicals Suspend Themselves from a Bridge

From the latter’s coverage:

Pro tip: Any activism that involves glue or orifices to the south of the mouth is a FAIL (but congrats to Parliament’s anti-Brexiters for managing to combine the two — touché).

In Houston, this week’s radicals did manage to avoid adhesive and genitals, but there was still something dangling: Their whole bodies.

Those convinced the best way to sell the world on saving itself is to hang from a bridge — because that’s the oldest trick in the book when it comes to winning an argument — got busy changing everyone’s minds Thursday. …

Ahead of the city’s impending Democratic presidential primary, about a dozen activists suspended themselves from the Fred Hartman Bridge in order to fight the use of fossil fuels.

As a further means of really sockin’ it to modernity, the difference-making dingleberries held yellow and red flags.

Apropos of sticky stories, at Tuesday’s NBA tournament game between the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Los Angeles Clippers, an audience member took to the court.

She had an idea.

This is the obvious and clever angle: Saving animals would be possible.

Fox News

The woman identified as Alicia Santurio is a member the animal advocacy group Direct Action Everywhere. Santurio was sporting a shirt that had a message on outgoing [Timberwolves majority owner] Glen Taylor, which read “Glen Taylor Roasts Animals Alive.”

Security arrived immediately and escorted Alicia to a safer place.

However, this migration came before a peeling.

The televised comment quickly became a part of reports about the pasty portion.

“I’m not sure if she fainted or fell,” a broadcaster said.


“Oh, okay. I think we’ve been told it was a protest, and I think she was writing something on the floor. … [W]It didn’t matter what it was, she has been removed. The graffiti and whatever else she did on the ground are being cleaned up. There’s nothing like the energy of a live NBA…game.”

According to another sportscaster, it will all come down eventually.

“It’s worse than graffiti. Security just informed me that she had glue and she had glued her self to the ground. But she wouldn’t lift her wrists. And I don’t mean to laugh, but this really happened. The men were trying pull her away when she stuck her wrists down to the ground. And she was resisting, trying to keep her wrists glued down to the floor.”

Timberwolves from home released the following statement regarding their ordeal

A fan disruption occurred ruing the second quarter of tonight’s game. Target Center Security is being contacted to investigate the matter.

On social media, Alicia — now dubbed “Glue Girl” — explained her intent:

“I superglued down to the basketball court to bring attention to the mass killing of chickens at Glen Taylor’s factory farm using [ventilation shutdown, otherwise known as VSD]. #Gluegirl”

The Intercept provides a horrible explanation for VSD:

Similar to being in a hot car, the process results in death by heatstroke or suffocation.

Kindness to animals is a powerful concept. The whole world benefits when people care.

If I were to guess, this advantage would dwarf that enjoyed by superglued basketball players.

But perhaps I’m wrong. If so, Thank You to a woman who adhered herself to hard maple while men ran around and bounced a ball — for the massive difference made in the lives of Earth’s chickens.

Alicia has the best bird story this week, if not:



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