Karine Jean-Pierre Melts When Pressed on Joe Biden Voicemail to Hunter Biden – Opinion

In late June, news broke that President Joe Biden had sent a voicemail to his son, Hunter Biden, expressing a desire to discuss the latter’s Chinese business dealings. The current president even went so far as to say on the message that you’re “in the clear,” which seems like a clear admission that he had knowledge of what was going on.

This is in sharp contrast to Joe Biden’s past claims that he had never spoken with any son about business deals. The dishonesty is illustrated even further by the fact that the elder Biden and his wife shared an office with their son and a Chinese-government-controlled businessman. That doesn’t just happen by sheer chance.

On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was finally asked about the damning voicemail by Fox News’ Peter Doocy. As you’d expect, she absolutely melted under the pressure.

The word that immediately came to mind when I first saw that clip was “pathetic.” It is pathetic that the White House believes it can sit back and refuse to answer basic questions on a major ethical issue like this. This is too obvious to overlook that both the president and his son may have been involved in corrupt practices at home and abroad.

It’s also pathetic that no other “journalist” in the room even bothered to question Jean-Pierre about this issue, once again leaving the job up to Peter Doocy. It is impossible to imagine a Republican allowing themselves to ignore questions given that a voicemail proving their lies about corruption with the Chinese exists.

And while I understand that the DC press bubble typically lets Democrats get away with just about anything, you’d hope there’d be some lines they would attempt to enforce. For example, just a week ago, it was revealed that Joe Biden helped fund Hunter Biden’s involvement with a Russian human-trafficking ring. The story was not covered by any mainstream media outlets. If Donald Trump’s son and wife were part of such a scheme, the beltway media would have been on fire. But because it’s the Bidens making shady deals with the Chicoms and paying for possibly underage prostitutes, no one outside of right-wing media makes a peep. It’s downright immoral when you think about it, and it’s certainly not good for the country that these things are being ignored.

Returning to Jean-Pierre, she repeats multiple times in the clip that she’s not going to comment on materials from the laptop, as if it’s some kind of get-out-of-jail-free card. But any journalist who is worth her salt must ask why this answer is so sufficient. It is absurd to allow such an opaque reporter to continue her career. That’s rhetorical given the bias that exists in the news media, but still, we know the laptop is real. The Bidens have lied about the laptop and it’s origin. We know that Hunter Biden and his father were extremely interconnected, from their business dealings to the president’s political career.

None of this is theoretical or a “right-wing conspiracy,” and it’s insane that Jean-Pierre and the White House are allowed to just wave off any serious questions on the matter. That would be unacceptable for any Republican, and Americans deserve to see the extent of the corruption.

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