It’s become more popular for companies to support the death of children rather than support birth but one Texas based firm had a different response.
In a Tuesday morning segment on Fox & Friends, President of Buffer Insurance, Sean Turner, went on air to explain his commitment to cover staff birth and adoption costs rather than abortion costs.
Many large businesses have protested the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. Employers and dependents can travel abroad to get paid time off, as well as medical benefits. Turner claims that his company does something very different.
We saw all the mega corporations, all the large corporations, making it easy for people to have these continued abortions and so, as a small business owner, we thought it was important to take the opposite stand — make it easy for our employees to expand their families.
The Fox & Friends host, Julie Banderas, mentioned that “80% of women who have had abortions say, if they only more support, they wouldn’t choose abortion.” Turner’s company aims to give support to these women who want to have their children but need additional support. Unfortunately, Turner’s take remains an outlier when compared to other companies.
Companies can fund an abortion without having to pay for prenatal care or hospital visits. These mega-companies are pushing abortion because it is the most affordable option.
Turner said that Buffer Insurance had received many thanks from all over the country. He also urged interested clients to speak to their employers about using Buffer’s benefits.
If you work for an employer and you want your employer to implement similar benefits, have them reach out to us because we’ve created resources to help them implement them and just maximize their contribution towards something like this.
In a society that celebrates and encourages women to believe that they need to abort their children to be successful, Buffer Insurances’s stance is unique but necessary. I hope that other companies will follow their lead.