Joe Biden Delivers a Stream of Consciousness on ‘Big Mama’ and Other Confused Absurdities – Opinion

Anyone that’s done a fair amount of public speaking in their life understands how important it is to know one’s limits. This is not to suggest that everything will work for everyone, but most people have something they can draw on once they’ve overcome their nerves. Some people find it a dry sense humor. Others may be attracted to their pace.

There are also those who have lost all sense of their capabilities and speak unregulated streams of consciousness. That’s Joe Biden, and his lack of talent was on full display again on Monday as he delivered a riff on someone named “Big Mama” while addressing the nation’s supply chain issues.

The following gif has never been more pertinent.

One day in the future, maybe a hundred years hence, scientists will be able to view that clip and question how that man became President of America. Unfortunately, that’s the reality Americans are currently living in, though. This is made worse by the fact that many people chose this path. And look, I could spend a few more hundred words discussing the president’s clear mental decline, but you get it. We all get it. He’s not all there and he’s not fine.

With that said, Biden then repeated a lie he’s told before, which is that he used to drive an 18-wheeler.

Biden is not a professional except for a short stint working as a public attorney. Biden won his first elected office two years after graduating from law school. He’s never driven an 18-wheeler and will not. The fact that he continues to repeat such an easily disproven falsehood leads me to the obvious conclusion that he simply doesn’t remember he’s already told it. That’s probably more concerning than his dishonesty.

Following his speech, the president got lost again, which is quite common after a public event. He turns in multiple directions and asks “What do we do now?” as Pete Buttigieg and others smile awkwardly. Biden then turns his back again, and tries to make it work by moving for the woman in front of him to come with him.

Now that I have covered all of this, let me return to the original point about public speaking. Anyone who is going to speak in public must be aware of their limits so that they can work with them. Biden doesn’t even understand the concept. He’s like the auto-play function on social media ads. The next thing you know, you are busy reading the news. You are next being lectured about male grooming.

Biden is also known for his inept timing when speaking. With inflation exploding at 7.9 percent last month and sure to be worse when the next report comes out on Friday, Americans are not looking for “good ole grandpa Joe” to deliver bumbling laughers. That’s especially true when he’s is supposed to be addressing an issue as serious and debilitating as the current supply chain crisis. I’m not saying to never make a joke in any circumstance, but I am saying to not be completely tone-deaf.

Of course, that would require Biden to know where he is and what he’s doing at any given moment in time. Is anyone really confident he’s got those answers on hand?

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