Jezebel’s Solution To Domestic Abuse? ABORTION

Apparently more and more pregnant women are going to die now that Roe is overturned … and not just from abortions. 

Women who are forced to stay pregnant and not murder their innocent children are at a higher risk of getting murdered as well now that Roe is overturned, according to Jezebel’s June 14 piece. 

Last week a Missouri man reportedly murdered his wife after a “heated argument about his affair with another woman.” The man’s wife was supposedly six weeks pregnant and used her phone to search “what to do if your husband is upset you are pregnant,” according to police. 

Jezebel pointed out that the woman’s pregnancy was a “risk” and was the cause for her murder. The outlet suggested that perhaps if she weren’t pregnant, her husband wouldn’t have killed her. Jezebels attempted to support abortion rights. 

The more pressing concern, experts and advocates say, is that women and pregnant people in the U.S. will die from homicide, the physical toll of pregnancy, and being denied emergency care in hospitals — the factors that were already killing pregnant people, only now, more people will be forced to stay pregnant.

Jezebel was told by Verma, a wacko who claimed to have performed abortions on people living in abusive relationships. She also boasted about the accomplishment. 

I don’t think that abusers should go without severe punishment, but I also don’t think the solution to an abuser is to end the life of an innocent child. This lady’s husband was psycho and it is a tragedy that she and her unborn baby died. Death isn’t more death. 

Things like this are unfortunately going to keep happening but not because of abortion bans but because some people are unable or unwilling to acknowledge that all life has intrinsic value. 

If society shows that all life is not valued, then some lives are unavoidably lost. This mindset is reinforced every second abortion remains legal. 

Why would it matter if a pregnant woman is killed if it doesn’t matter if her baby is? 

That’s the vile attitude that many possess and that’s why people are subject to domestic abuse. It is not going to stop psychos killing by ending abortion. 

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