Incontinent Ex-Trans Man Sues Over Penis Removal, Predicts an ‘Avalanche’ of Court Cases – Opinion

Transgenderism has yet to be fully explored in the West. The metaphor could apply to a host of implements, including puberty blockers and “top” and “bottom” surgeries.

The National Health Service is being sued by a man in the UK.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Newcastle resident Ritchie Herron has lived tortuously for four years due to the impact of “gender affirmation” procedures.

Battling mental health issues – and after decades of suppressing his homosexuality – Ritchie, 35, had thought the answer was to become a woman.

In his 20s, Ritchie “stumbled across the idea of gender dysphoria in an internet chatroom. Older men on the forum convinced the vulnerable young man he ‘must be trans.’”

A man visited an affirming psychologist in 2012 Then it was on to the Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust’s Northern Region Gender Dysphoria Service.

Ritchie sought help in 2014, after waiting for a while. After only two 30-minute appointments, he was diagnosed with “transsexualism.”

A psychiatrist recommended he take medication to block his testosterone production – the first step towards gender reassignment.

A family member had accompanied him to the clinic and tried to persuade the doctor that Ritchie wasn’t in an appropriate state of mind.

Ritchie says: “She told the doctor I was on a high dose of antidepressants and had lots of complex issues, and yet they were referring me for gender treatment.”

At 26, he explains, he went along with the medical recommendations because he was “very vulnerable.”

Right started calling himself “Abby” and wearing women’s clothes. He developed breasts after he was suppressed by testosterone.

In March 2015, he began attending appointments at Newcastle’s NHS Gender Clinic.

“The first question you get asked there is, ‘Do you want genital surgery?’” he says. “I wasn’t sure. But I’d heard you could get therapy if you were on the waiting list for surgery, so I said yes.”

The surgery came quickly afterward:

Six months later in July 2015 Ritchie was referred for vaginoplasty surgery. Ritchie said that he confided in the psychiatrist that he was not sure. He continued therapy.

2017 was Ritchie’s second surgery referral. This would be at Nuffield Health in Brighton, but to his own expense. Ritchie refused it again – but says he was told that if he did not accept the referral he would be discharged from the service.

He continued on a steady path, even though he began to suicidal thoughts.

Ritchie was wheeled to the operating theater at 10:20 am on May 23, 2018. “I didn’t even see the surgeon,” he says. “I was very much in the mindset of ‘I’m here now, there’s no stopping it even if I wanted to.’”

It involves performing an irreversible surgery that removes the testicles as well. The area is then reshaped to appear like the female genitals.

You can fast-forward to debilitating dysfunction.

His bladder emptying takes him 10 minutes, which is painfully slow. He has stopped having sex. In fact, he says, his crotch is numb, “shell-shocked” from the damage done to him under the apparent care of the NHS.

“Numb” rather sums up Ritchie’s whole demeanor as he struggles to process what has happened to him. Today he reveals – in an exclusive interview – that he is the man preparing legal action against the NHS over an operation that removed his genitals.

Ritchie claims he was fast-tracked into making “the biggest mistake of [his] life.” He’s been “left infertile, incontinent and with ongoing pain.”

He asserts the NHS clinic took no account of his mental health issues, which might’ve led him to believe he was transgender. Furthermore, he wasn’t properly warned of the medical risks of his procedures.

Many people are following in Ritchie’s footsteps:

He raises questions about safeguards at NHS gender clinics. These have witnessed a 1,700% rise in referrals during the last ten year, mostly by young children.

Support for transgenderism has become ubiquitous — from the edge of society’s left wing to the airwaves of Fox News:

Clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson isn’t onboard with the counseling field’s move toward immediate affirmation. In a documentary, he recently described the role of the therapist. What is a Woman?

“There’s no such thing as a gender-affirming therapist. It’s a contradiction in terms. Because you don’t affirm if you’re a therapist. It’s not your business to affirm. You come to see me because there’s something wrong. … Am I going to affirm what you think? No, it’s not up to me to affirm it. You don’t get a casual pat on the back from a therapist for your pre-existing axiomatic conclusions. That’s not therapy; that’s a rubber stamp.”

What does the future look like in this medically-driven gender revolution? Might a new generation eventually have strong thoughts — and, possibly, court filings — about the paths upon which they were placed? It doesn’t seem impossible.

“This is an avalanche waiting to happen,” he told the Mail. “Transition is now being sold to people on a mass scale.”



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