‘How Can I Make Your Day Worse?’ – Opinion

Some days, it feels like California legislators wake up and say to themselves, “How can I punish my constituents today?” Or, “How can I make California even worse?” “Is there a way to get more people to leave?”

Since California often leads the nation, it’s important to pay attention. It’s possible that what began here could one day lead to your community.

An example of the lunacy: President Biden’s economy already featured rising fuel prices, but when Russia invaded Ukraine, the pain at the pump skyrocketed even more. What could a rational California legislator do to lower the gas tax or suspend it? The gas tax should be lowered or suspended, as California has the highest tax on gas. This would really make a difference. However, they are actually raising gas taxes!  As RedState’s Kira Davis points out, they did the exact opposite–they’re actually raising gas taxes!  Because they can.

Democrats defeated the Republican minorities and installed a new tax relief bill with a tax Hike bill that will use the new, higher taxes to send rebates to Californians paying higher taxes on their energy than ever before. And they didn’t just amend the tax holiday into a tax hike…they passed it out of committee, with Kiley’s name still on it.

California has an active gig economy with many musicians, drivers for Uber, and contract workers. What do you do if you’re a California legislator? This law makes life more difficult for these people.

It’s no surprise then that the California legislature has come out with a loony new bill, AB2223, which among other things, states: “People also need to end pregnancies by abortion, including self-managed abortion, which means ending one’s own pregnancy outside of the medical system.”  (Which raises so many questions!)

However, the language that stirred up the most controversy is:

A person is not subject to any civil or criminal penalty or penalties, nor are they deprived of anything, regardless of other laws. rights, rights under this article, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death. death due to a pregnancy-related cause.

After protests that the sentence in the last paragraph implied you can end your baby, the text that was stricken has been changed to italicized by amends made April 7, 20,22. After it is delivered. Many people were outraged.

Some lawmakers have made slight changes to their language in response to the backlash. The new language however isn’t much better–how can a post-pregnancy (perinatal) death occur due to a pregnancy-related cause?  Once the baby is born, it’s over.

The bill’s author is fighting for its content:

I guess she’s never heard of Kermit Gosnell.

This bill was re-referred back to the Committee on Health. It is likely to pass, as California has approved it. Meanwhile, Oklahoma, Texas, and others have been busy strengthening their abortion laws, so it’s likely this national fight is only going to get worse.

Supreme Court: Get ready to see some fireworks.

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