Joe Scarborough continues to pretend that he’s a conservative, even though he left the Republican party. Particularly, Scarborough likes to boast, as here, that he’s a “small-government conservative.”
We’ve debunked Scarborough’s claim to conservativism in the past, as here, where we caught him arguing in favor of preserving Roe v. Wade.
Freitag, however Scarborough implied that he was a conservative who believes in small government and embraced Hillary Clinton’s big-government agenda.
Morning JoeA clip of Hillary at New York Democrat Convention was rolled, ridiculing Republicans
“RepublicansWill claim they’re on the side of parentsand values of the family, but they will.Do nothing For parents and families who are actually involved in the decision-making process. There is nothing on child care. There is no paid time off.There is nothing to assist working parents and their children get on top.
Scarborough then transcribed Hillary’s speech nearly word for word.
“A Republican House for Doing NothingThat is what you are running fromTalking about parents’ protectionProtecting families and protecting children is their priority. Their answer? Culture wars against Dr. Seuss. However Hillary’s right.The list goes on. Child care: Nothing. Payroll leave is not available. For working parents or fathers, nothing.Nothing.
Scarborough: Please, stop the “I’m still small-government conservative”) charade. Joe, tell it the truth!
Hillary used two hand grenades to end her speech. First, She actually revived her claim of a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.Trump can always turn to her when things are getting tough. Fox NewsShe is being pursued by the “noise machine”, a conservative group. This was in reference to Durham’s report which suggested that Trump campaign spying was taking place. Scarborough repeatedly attacked the Special Counsel investigation.
Next, Unsubtly, she suggested she might sue someone to slander. Sarah Palin’s Libel Lawsuit Against the New York TimesShe was fired earlier in the week, as she could not prove that there had been “actual malice” by the Times. Hillary claimed that her conservative critics are getting “extremely close” to actual malice. This means that Hillary claims she could have a legitimate lawsuit against the vile and obnoxious conservatives.
Scarborough appeared ready to listen to Clinton’s tirade and to support the second-time loser in his bid to be president. “Tan, rested, and ready. Hillary in ’24….rank-and-file Democrats, they’re not so sure they don’t want to see her on the ballot one more time. She did it yesterday, and I can tell you that she explained everything much more clearly than Democrats over the last year.”
Celebrity Cruises and Volvo sponsored Joe Scarborough’s embrace of Hillary Clinton’s big government agenda on Morning Joe. Google, Sleep Number and Ameriprise also supported Scarborough.
The transcript is here.
Morning Joe
6:04 am ETHILLARY CLINTON: And we can’t get distracted, whether it’s by The latest in culture-war absurdityThe new Right-wing Lies Fox Facebook. You can also find us on Facebook. they’ve been coming after me again latelyIn case you hadn’t noticed, It’s funny. Trump’s involvement in more problems is the worse. The conspiracy theories against me get wilder.
Now his accountants have fired and His investigations bring him closer. And right on cue, the noise machine gets turned up, doesn’t it? Fox takes the leadThey are making accusations about me, and they expect their audience will fall for them again. As an aside they’re getting awfully close to actual malice In their attacks.
Republicans will claim they’re on the side of parents has family values and will not be of any help to actual parents. There is nothing on child care. Payroll leave is not covered. It does not help working dads or moms.Get by, and you will get ahead. They are not going to make colleges more affordable or invest in our schools. They’ll ban books but do nothing about guns. It will be harder to vote but much easier for corporations and big businesses to break up unions. They will allow polluters to trash the environment and Donald Trump to trash democracy.
. . .
JOE SCARBOROUGH – Tan rested, ready. Hillary in ’24. I mean, listen, you talk to people close to Hillary, they tell you there’s no way she’s ever going to do it again. Elizabeth Bumiller, you talk to Democrats, rank-and-file Democrats, they’re not so sure they don’t want to see her on the ballot one more time. You know what? Yesterday she explained it all clearlyer than Democrats in the past year.
. . .
She encapsulated the entire situation, particularly with the Republican Congress. A do-nothing Republican House that runs around talking about parents’ protectionProtecting children and families is what they are concerned about. Culture Wars Banning books from schools is a decision made by Dr. Seuss.
However Hillary’s right.The list goes on. There is nothing for child care. Payroll leave is not available. For working parents or fathers, nothing.It is not possible to make the lives, or of American parents, easier. Nothing.