Highland Park Suspect Got His Guns Despite Police Knowing About Prior Alleged Threats – Opinion

In virtually every mass shooting case, there are signs that people missed or to which they didn’t respond.

Robert Crimo III is the Highland Park suspect. One has to ask, once again, why he could post so many problems on his social media. There was much more.

Lake County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Chief Christopher Covelli laid out some of Crimo’s troubling history.

In September 2019, family members reported that Crimo threatened to “kill everyone” and that he had a collection of knives, Covelli said. Highland Park police arrived at the scene and found 16 knives and a knife, as well as a blade and a dagger inside the residence. Police notified Illinois State Police of the matter, but otherwise didn’t have probable cause to make an arrest, authorities said.

An ISP spokeswoman said that at that time, Crimo did not have a firearm owner’s identification card, required for the purchase of firearms, to revoke or review.

In April 2019, officers were summoned by police after Crimo attempted suicide a week before. Police determined that Crimo was in the care of mental health professionals.

But when he applied for a firearms card in 2019, his father signed for him and the Illinois State Police didn’t see the threats as enough of a reason to withhold it from him because the family didn’t press charges.

That was an inaccurate assessment. I think that the decision to make that judgment is going back on both the father and the Illinois State Police.

Crimo was legally able to obtain the gun used in the shooting. When Crimo was arrested the police discovered another gun in Crimo’s car. After he was arrested, the police found another gun in his car. It was believed that he had been planning the move for some time.

Illinois has red-flag laws. You don’t need more laws here, you need people to properly evaluate the signs that they see and take proper action.

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