There’s been a lot of attention paid to Joe Biden’s “minor incursion” remark about Russia going into Ukraine. Yesterday, the Biden Administration took a long time to address the concerns that this remark had caused.
But that wasn’t the only problem with what Biden said about Russia. Biden spoke out as if he had been advised and did not filter his words. He said, “My guess is he will move in, [to Ukraine], he has to do something.”
🇺🇸U.S. President Joe Biden discusses Vladimir Putin’s order to invade Ukraine.
“My guess is he will move in, [to Ukraine], he has to do something.”
— Alex Tiffin (@RespectIsVital) January 19, 2022
Biden said even that Russia would win the future.
🇺🇸 U.S. President Joe Biden sounding very defeatist in Ukraine. Russians may suffer severe losses in the long-term, but they will win eventually.
— Alex Tiffin (@RespectIsVital) January 19, 2022
So, he’s telling Putin, “Hey, we even think you’ll win if you do it.” How gone is Biden at this point?
But notice, everything he’s saying is reactive — he’s not setting the tone (as President Donald Trump did). He’s reacting and crossing his fingers that Putin doesn’t do anything bad, even though he thinks he will and that he’d win.
It must have felt like the Ukraine had choking on this. We saw how steamed the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky got over Biden’s clueless remarks, when Zelensky commented that there were no “minor incursions” because he knew such a comment increased the danger to his country.
Stephen Colbert is a comedian who pimps for Democrats all the time. He had to mock the one for the first and only time in many years.
Ooof. Stephen Colbert of CBS criticized Biden’s comments on Russia-Ukraine.[Putin]”Has to do something?” Joe could be considered a hostage negotiator. “Why don’t we just all calm down? Just let everyone go…or shoot [them]. It’s up to you to take action!
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) January 21, 2022
Colbert trashing Biden for his “minor incursion” comment: “You can’t tell them that a little bit is okay? There’s a reason Nancy Reagan’s anti-drug campaign wasn’t “Just Say No Unless It’s Your Cousin’s Wedding. A Little Bump of Coke in the Bathroom’s Not Gonna Kill Ya. YOLO.”
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) January 21, 2022
Colbert on Biden saying Putin would “pay a serious and dear price” for invading Ukraine that he’d come to “regret”: “I wouldn’t say regret is a big concern for a man who shows this much nipple. You can use him as one of this springy door stops!”
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) January 21, 2022
Colbert on Biden claiming his mom used to tell him “you’re biting your nose off to spite your face”: “I’m pretty sure the expression is cut off your nose to spite your face. I’m not sure it’s possible to bite your nose off…Momma Biden was loaded with folksy sayings[.]” (4/4)
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) January 21, 2022
Then during Thursday’s press conference, as the Biden team tried to usher reporters out and prevent questions about Russia, Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich asked, “Why are you waiting on Putin to make the first move?” Biden’s response was “What a stupid question,” with a sneer.
But it wasn’t a stupid question, and even a former senior National Security adviser in the Obama Administration, ex-Global Engagement Director Brett Bruen, pointed that out.
You don’t have to be stupid about the question.
This is a very important decision.
We continue to allow Putin to set the terms, timeline, & trajectory of this crisis.
It’s time we stop being so reactive & start creating some of our own conditions.
— Brett Bruen (@BrettBruen) January 20, 2022
Biden’s attitude goes back to how he’s been handling not only Russia but everything right down the line — he’s the bystander ‘leader.’ Things are happening around him and he’s reacting, mostly badly. He’s not setting the agenda on anything.
Now I believed that Obama Administration was reactive, not proactive. But Biden is far worse. Responding doesn’t mean military escalation. Trump set the agenda, which is something he never received credit for. Other countries didn’t generally want to tick him off because they knew he would respond. Putin was taught by him to act when he dropped bombs on 300 Russians living in Syria. The best way to stop war is to know that there are strength. Recognizing weakness encourages it.