Former President of the Senate, Ketanji Jackson is set to be confirmed by the Senate as a candidate for Judge Ketanji. New York Times Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse laid into Republican senators for daring to question Biden’s nominee. In the Sunday Review, “On Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, How Low Will Senate Republicans Go?”
Greenhouse’s long-standing anti-conservative animus is usually motivated by her passion for the pro-choice movement, as shown by her loathing of Trump nominee Amy Barrett. This time she switched her outrage to phantom accusations of racism against Jackson’s Republican questioners.
Greenhouse, completely freed pro formaIn her predictable rancid allegations of Republican racism, which were also old hat, she was unable to fulfill journalistic objectivity. Times reporters, most offensively Carl Hulse).
Somehow her rant about the despicable treatment of Supreme Court nominees lacked the name “Brett Kavanaugh”:
When Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Supreme Court nomination reaches the Senate floor soon, every Republican who votes against her confirmation will be complicit in the abuse that the Republican members of the Judiciary Committee heaped on her.
Every mischaracterization of Judge Jackson’s record on the bench. Every racist canine yells at crime. Every QAnon shouts out about the rampant use of child pornography.Terrorism is supported by every innuendo a lawyer for terrorists makes.
Greenhouse warned
Only one Republican Senator, Susan Collins from Maine, has so far indicated that she would vote for Judge Jackson’s confirmation. The Republican senators who don’t disavow their colleagues’ behavior during last week’s confirmation hearing will own it. Everything.
Every Republican voting no will be Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, asking, “On a scale of one to 10, how faithful would you say you are in terms of religion?”….
Every Republican can sink to such a low point. as to be Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, moving her pen across the page as she read the right-wing talking points and demanding that the nominee define the word “woman.”….
Greenhouse left out Jackson’s risible retort, showing the nominee is afraid of offending the radical transgender lobby: “I’m not a biologist.”
Oddly, Greenhouse then praised the confirmation process of Obama nominee Elena Kagan in 2010, while presumptuously saying ““There was no reason objectively to object to her.”
She admitted “While the opposition was tedious and vapid, it wasn’t mean. Nobody accused her of coddling terrorists and pedophiles. Their leader was the senators. It was just business.”
Again, there is no mention of the Democrats’ “mean questions” directed at Kavanaugh.
Now, flash forward to Jackson hearings
It is striking to see the difference in between now and then. Whiplash was caused by the alternating questions periods between Republican and Democratic senators. While the Democrats celebrated Judge Jackson’s accomplishments and the symbolism of her nomination, the Republicans oozed venom….
Another way of reading the hearings: The Democrats’ oozed emotive, simplistic praise for Jackson while reducing her to a symbol of black womanhood, while Republicans treated the hearings seriously and raised real-world policy issues.